Fiction · Flash Back Friday · postaday · writing

Flash Back Friday

Hello people!

Friday again! How the time passes quickly. The first week of February already done! Hope your weekend is extra special.

I’m in a good mood today, so for Flash Back Friday I thought I would bring back a ‘feel good’ story I did almost 2 years ago. I did some editing, as usual, so I do hope you enjoy and come away feeling good too.


Two Coffee’s, Please

She was new to town and found this quaint little coffee shop a block from her new house. So every morning the past few weeks, she took a leisurely stroll to stop in and have her first cup of the day. She sat at the big picture window to watch the town come to life slowly, enjoying the friendliness of the owner of the shop as she stopped by her table with a cheery hello.

She had moved from the big city a year after her divorce. That was 6 months ago. She did freelance writing work for the local newspaper and for a few top magazines. She might not have been able to save her 5-year marriage, but she was able to save her sanity by moving here. A small friendly town. Lots of nice helpful people. Strangers, all of them. It was sad that she felt more at home now with these strangers then with the “friends” she had left behind in the big city.

She had gotten tired of the awkward conversations. The pitying looks. The fake “I’m so sorry things didn’t work out” from people she knew weren’t sorry at all. When you divorced a rich, high-powered lawyer, who turned out to be a rich, high-powered scumbag, things got a bit messy. And ugly. So she left. Goodbye scumbag, goodbye fake friends, goodbye ugly.

She smiled and took a sip from her rapidly cooling cup of coffee. Debating whether to have another to indulge herself or head back towards home, she noticed the man come into the shop.

For two weeks, she watched the same handsome man do exactly the same thing. He would walk in, glance around briefly, walk to the counter to order his cup of coffee. One cream, no sugar. Just how she liked hers.  Then he would sit at a table next to the wall, open his morning paper and read it while sipping his cup of joe. After exactly half an hour, no more, no less, he would fold up his paper. Reach in his pocket for change that he left near the empty cup, smile at the owner and leave.

It was fascinating to her that he did this every morning, without fail. Never once changing his actions. Obviously a man of habit.  She gave a small self-deprecating laugh. She shouldn’t be noticing handsome strangers. For all she knew, he could be married with five kids. Or be another scumbag. And one in her lifetime was enough! Feeling satisfied with her reasoning she left, waving goodbye to the owner.

The next morning arrived in a blustery, dreary, looking like rain, fall light. She debated going for her usual walk to get her cup of coffee. She had a brand new coffee pot at home she could use. It was sitting on her kitchen counter just waiting to be filled with fresh hot  brew. Instead, she found herself locking up her house as she set off towards the coffee shop.  She smiled as she walked briskly down the sidewalk. The fall wind at her back, pushing her onwards. The dry crackling leaves swirling around her feet.

As she came closer to her now favorite coffee shop she noticed a familiar tall handsome figure just walking through the door ahead of her. He was early today, she thought to herself. For some reason, she felt a flicker of anxiety. Every morning since she first noticed him he never deviated from his routine. Always the same time he arrived, always the same time he left. She wondered if something was wrong today.

She opened up the door and was greeted with the  smell of freshly ground coffee. The shop was gratefully warm and cozy. She saw the handsome man standing at the counter. As she approached  to give her usual order she noticed the owner on the phone. The woman gave a small friendly wave and mouthed, ‘be right there’.

She waited, wondering if she should attempt some small talk when she heard a deep soft voice state, “I notice you’re here every morning”. Nodding her head she looked up into hazel eyes, darkly fringed.

“So are you” she stated as she smiled into a wide-set face with a slight dusting of freckles. The face went well with the reddish-brown hair falling over his forehead.

“I enjoy the walk before work. And I enjoy good coffee. So I get both every morning.”

She watched his lips turn up into a smile and found herself drawn to the man.  She liked how he looked. Friendly, interesting, open, just like the small town she has come to love. She felt the beginnings of interest flicker in her mind as he introduced himself as the local hardware store owner. He engulfed her smaller hand in a warm handshake that lingered just a bit.

She told him she was new to town and was a freelance writer for the local paper.

When they heard a cheerful ‘hello’, they both slowly faced the woman behind the counter as she stood waiting for them to order. The man then said in his deep soft voice, “Two coffee’s, please. One cream, no sugar”.

25 thoughts on “Flash Back Friday

    1. Thanks Michael. But, he’s not the hardware manager, he’s the hardware store owner. In small towns there used to be small town hardware stores owned by individuals. Granted you don’t see them much anymore, but a few are still around, some for a hundred years or so.


  1. If only it was that easy to meet interesting people. 🙂 Your stories are so memorable that I remembered it from when you first posted it. 🙂


  2. I like your comment, “it could happen.” 🙂 Have you ever done anything like that with such routine? Not me. Maybe that’s why I never met Mr. Right. I always found Mr. Always Right. Going to have to find that coffee shop. 🙂 I still read light romance but have lost all faith in it. For me anyway. Funny how her instinct pushed her out the door. Love this and I haven’t read it before.


    1. I do have routines and used to have them when I worked outside the house. But, like you never found romance. But, I’ve known people who loved their routines and were quite upset if you asked them to break them. As for the romance, I still have hope for others. 🙂

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