Humor · nonfiction · postaday · Wednesday Whatever! · Word Fun

Wednesday Whatever!

It’s been a bit of a weird and busy week for me. So today to relax I’m going to show you some more weird and wonderful words.

I love old or barely known words. They fascinate me for some reason. So today I’ll show you some I’ve come across in my research. Hope you enjoy!




A: argle-bargle……copious but meaningless talk or writing (sort of like some of my stories!)

B: borborygmus……a rumbling or gurgling noise in the intestines (now when I get those rumblings in the tummy, instead of saying I’m hungry, I’ll just tell people “don’t worry, it’s just a borborygmus!)

C: chiliad……..a thousand things or a thousand years (never in a chiliad would I have guessed that!)

D: doryphore………a pedantic and annoyingly persistent critic of others (I’m looking at you, D. Trump!)

E: ecdysiast……..a striptease performer (I’m not sure what to say…we all got to make a living.)

F: futz…….to waste time or busy oneself aimlessly (I do tend to futz a lot.)

G: gasconade……….extravagant boasting (I do not gasconade when I talk about myself. Much.)

H: habile……deft or skilful (I am habile in wasting time. ha!)

I: incunabula……books printed before 1501 (books is much easier to say!)

J: jumentous…….resembling horse’s urine (now wouldn’t this be fun as an insult! “you are jumentous, my good sir!” ha!)

K: karateka…..a person who performs karate

L: logomachy…….an argument about words (we could have a logomachy about this post if we wanted, but we won’t)

M: mouse potato……..a person who spends large amounts of their leisure or working time on a computer (I didn’t know they had a word(s) for what I do every day!)

N: nugacity……..triviality or frivolity (like this post!)

O: onolatry……..the worship of donkeys or asses (now I know a few people who worship themselves and they are asses….)

P: pother………a commotion or fuss (I’m sure there will be no pother about this post!)

R: rawky…………foggy, damp, and cold (it was rawky here this morning!)

S: suedehead…….a youth like a skinhead but with slightly longer hair and smarter clothes (I just thought this was funny)

T: triskaidekaphobia……extreme superstition about the number thirteen (I knew someone who had this. I just called her weird.)

U: umbriferous…….shady

V: velleity………a wish or inclination which is not strong enough to lead one to take action (I have a velleity to vacuum.)

W: wabbit……..exhausted or slightly unwell (and here I thought it was Elmer’s way of talking about Bugs!)

Z: zopissa…….a medicinal preparation made from wax and pitch scraped from the sides of ships (oh I bet that was beneficial!)


There you have it, folks. If anyone can add-on with words of your own, please go ahead! 







19 thoughts on “Wednesday Whatever!

  1. Those are some interesting words! I’ve spent a great deal of time futzing around. I’ve used that word for many, many years and didn’t really know where it came from. Where do you find these words? Happy Wednesday. 🙂


  2. The only two of these I was already aware of were ecdysiast (Says the person who sent you a drawing of a dog doing a pole dance) and triskaidekaphobia (Being a triskaidekaphile myself). There’s a county near me named Gasconade, and I guess they must think an awful lot of themselves there!


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