Humor · nonfiction · postaday · Sunday Smiles

Silly Sunday











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Fiction · Flash Fiction · Humor · postaday · Sunday Smiles

Silly Sunday

Hello, People!

Today for Silly Sunday I thought I would give you something a little different from my usual meme’s. Chris over at the Story Reading Apes blog posted about a plot generator. So I had some fun with it and generated a completely random story from it.

I did no edits and used a made up pen name. The story is, um, interesting to say the least. ha! Read and see for yourself. If you want to have a little fun go over to the Plot Generator and try it yourself! It even shows you a book cover! Sort of……Let me know your results if you do try it.

Not sure if I would use this for anything serious but you never know.

Here’s my story…..


(c) William Trost Richards
(c) William Trost Richards


Two Understanding Uncles Thinking to the Beat

A Short Story
by Lisa Hornblower

Roger Blackman looked at the weathered rock in his hands and felt barmy.

He walked over to the window and reflected on his creepy surroundings. He had always loved picturesque Plymouth with its cruel, cautious cliffs. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel barmy.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Charity Lakeman. Charity was an intuitive patient with spiky eyebrows and brunette lips.

Roger gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a clever, bold, brandy drinker with fluffy eyebrows and squat lips. His friends saw him as a high-pitched, huge hero. Once, he had even brought a plain puppy back from the brink of death.

But not even a clever person who had once brought a plain puppy back from the brink of death, was prepared for what Charity had in store today.

The sun shone like sitting owls, making Roger jumpy.

As Roger stepped outside and Charity came closer, he could see the motionless smile on her face.

Charity gazed with the affection of 7599 brave motionless mice. She said, in hushed tones, “I love you and I want love.”

Roger looked back, even more jumpy and still fingering the weathered rock. “Charity, I love you,” he replied.

They looked at each other with anxious feelings, like two puny, petite puppies walking at a very energetic holiday, which had R & B music playing in the background and two understanding uncles thinking to the beat.

Roger studied Charity’s spiky eyebrows and brunette lips. Eventually, he took a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” began Roger in apologetic tones, “but I don’t feel the same way, and I never will. I just don’t love you Charity.”

Charity looked stressed, her emotions raw like a pretty, purring piano.

Roger could actually hear Charity’s emotions shatter into 1880 pieces. Then the intuitive patient hurried away into the distance.

Not even a glass of brandy would calm Roger’s nerves tonight.


Humor · nonfiction · postaday · Sunday Smiles

Silly Sunday

Just some random things I found on the interweb. Enjoy! (I am easily amused…hehehe)



I actually believe in ghost all day and night! But, I thought this was funny. :)
I actually believe in ghost all day and night! But, I thought this was funny. 🙂


Trump supporters! Beware!
Trump supporters! Beware!


I've had this happen recently!
I’ve had this happen recently!


So, so true! ;)
So, so true! 😉


This is what I tell the husband all the time! ha!
This is what I tell the husband all the time! ha!





Blogging · Humor · nonfiction · postaday

10 Things I Want To Do In My Life Before I’m Too Darn Old to Enjoy Them

In 2012, shortly after I started this blog I wrote ’10 Things I Want to do in Life Before I’m too Darn Old to Enjoy Them’. Today I thought I would join Part-Time Monster’s Throwback Thursday Link up Party and repost this old post.  Why not join us? Come on!



The Last Chapter

I thought I might have a little fun and post a few things I want to do before I die. Some of them might actually be doable, some maybe not so much. And a few are just plain silly and will never happen. But hey! Can’t blame a girl for dreaming. 😉

1. Have my novel published and become the next hot author! Now I know there might be a few obstacles on this one. Well when isn’t there. I almost have a novel, that should count for something. So I figure I have as good a shot at this as anyone. I count this one as definitely doable!

2. Ride in a hot air balloon. Now this is something I’ve wanted to do for more years than I can remember! I love plane rides. So I figure a hot air balloon ride should be totally awesome! I do think…

View original post 483 more words

Humor · nonfiction · postaday · Wednesday Whatever! · Word Fun

Wednesday Whatever! ~~ Fun With Words

Hello, People! Remember me? Today for Wednesday Whatever I thought we would have another edition of Fun with Words. Being a writer and a lover of words in general, finding the different ways to have fun with words is ….well, fun! Let’s see what I have for you today……




Today I thought I would bring you some different words you don’t see every day. Words that are unusually specific and therefore, perfect for certain situations and words that are just fun to say.


bibliobibuli……people who read too much. (Is that even possible??)

discalced………barefooted (just saying he’s barefooted is not near as much fun as saying, ‘he’s discalced’)

latrinalia………..graffiti found in restrooms. (Here I just thought all those writings were just defacing it!)

recidivist…….one who continually commits crime and seems incurable of criminal tendencies (I have some relatives that are recidivists.)

ultra-crepidarian………….giving opinions or criticism beyond one’s own range of experience. (Wow! They’ve been on facebook!)

walla-walla………..the unintelligible sound made by many people talking at once. (Oh my, our family reunions are full of walla-walla)

tergiversate………to turn one’s back on one’s party or cause; also, to make evasive statements or equivocate. (Trump if full of tergiversates!)

spanghew……….to cause a frog or toad to fly up in the air. (Don’t frighten the frogs!)


quincunx…………the pattern of five objects arranged such that four of the five objects form a square, while the fifth is positioned in the middle. (The dots on the ‘5’ side of a die are arranged in a quincunx.)

perendinate………… put off until the day after tomorrow; also, to keep postponing from day to day. (I always perendinate the bills)

omphalopsychite…………one who contemplates his navel. (Everyone needs a hobby)

jillick…… skip a stone across water. ( I used to jillick when I was a kid!)

expiscate…….to learn through laborious investigation (As I did with this post!)

donnybrook……….a brawl or heated public dispute.(The last presidential debate was a donnybrook!)

chatoyant…………changing in luster or color, as cat’s eyes. (Now this I did not know!)

floccinaucinihilipilification……..the categorizing of something as worthless. (Like this post!)


There you have it people, just a few of the better ones I found. Now I think I need to find a pond so I can jillick and take a break.



Have you come across any words that are unusual? 

Humor · nonfiction · postaday · Sunday Smiles

Silly Sunday ~~~ Funny Pinterest Fails

Now we all have probably been sucked into the great Pinterest time suck machine a time or two! Admit it… have! I have gathered a few Pinterest fails that I thought were funny. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.


This is just scary! Scar a kid for life!
This is just scary! Scar a kid for life!


I think it needs braces! Stat!
I think it needs braces! Stat!


Big epic NO!
Big epic NO!


Not the peeps!!
Not the peeps!!


Now this is a way to get kids NOT to eat their vegetables!
Now this is a way to get kids NOT to eat their vegetables!


Have any of YOU tried something from Pinterest? How did it go?



Blogging · Humor · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life · Wednesday Whatever!

Wednesday Whatever!

Another fine edition of Wednesday Whatever! Coming to you from the windblown town that I reside from. Nestled miles from the Rocky Mountains in a low laying valley that the wind seems to favor.

(c) Jeff Swenson
(c) Jeff Swenson

It must favor it because it fricken blows every chance it gets! And I’m fricken tired of it! Ahhhhh, that felt better. #%$&*^@ wind! Yes, that is me speaking not so nicely about a part of Mother Nature that she finds rather entertaining, I’m sure. I’m also sure she will get her revenge in time. Ha! It was worth it! Take that Mother Nature!

As you can probably tell…the wind is blowing here today….and yesterday….and the day before that….and…..sighhhh.

I don’t mind the wind most days, really I don’t. I love a gentle breeze as much as the next person. Even in the middle of fricken January. But, when it blows a gale and hinders me from even walking or breathing is when I get a bit put out. Which is what happened today.

Yesterday I needed to go the grocery store. I put it off because the wind was blowing so fiercely that it was cleaning off my patio for me…and I didn’t need nor want it cleaned off.

Today I got up and it was as calm as one would like. Not a single breeze blowing. Absolutely perfect. It was even warm enough that it was melting the snow. Great! So I got dressed and decided to go to the store. I would have whistled if I could have, that’s how happy I was. I would whistle but I can’t. Not to mention my teeth might fly out. Not a pretty sight. Anyway, I got in my trusty, rusty mini van and tootled off to the grocery store.

The sun wasn’t shining, but it was calm and pleasant. I might have even smiled at a perfect stranger. I might have, but I don’t remember. Old age you know. I get to the store and amble inside enjoying the day. I push my cart up and down the aisles, just enjoying being by myself for a while. It doesn’t happen too often folks, so I was enjoying the novelty. I finally get to the check out with my few items and smile at the cashier. She’s a nice lady that often checks me out.

We chat for a few minutes about this and that and of course, the weather. We both comment how nice it was to have calmness after the terrible winds we’ve been having. I glance out the big windows in the front of the store and notice it’s still calm. I smile. I’m happy. I finish paying for my purchases and walk toward the exit. I don’t even mind waiting behind the lady that decided she needed the whole doorway to stop and put on her coat. Slowly. To tuck her scarf just so around her neck and pull on her gloves. While I’m patiently behind her just wanting to load my groceries and go home.

Finally, the lady is done getting dressed and we proceed out the door. At my store there are two doors you need to go through to reach the outdoors. They have doors on both ends of the store. Well, the lady in front of me goes off one way and I go off the opposite way. I go through the next doors to what was a nice morning into Mother Nature’s perverted sense of humor. The wind threatens to knock me off my feet while it steals my breath away. Literally. I couldn’t fricken breath the wind was that strong.

I hang on tight to the cart that wants to turn around and go back into the store. I push it to my van and open the back-end all the time trying to breathe while the wind rams my breath back down my throat. %#(%&^ wind! I get the back door open (it’s the kind that opens upward). I grab my bags and stash them as quickly as I can. Suddenly I feel this large thump on the top of my head. The wind had pushed the door closed on top of my head! Ouch! Dammit! I shove it back up and stow the rest of my stuff in the back and quickly close the door.

images (2)

I let loose of the cart for a second! Just a split second! The wind whips it toward the parking lot and almost into an oncoming car. I grab it in the nick of time while still trying to stay upright in the battering wind. If I could have had enough breath to curse I would have! The wind didn’t give an inch.

I manage to push the cart back to the store and walk against the wind back to my van. I get in and narrowly miss getting my leg crushed by the door as I scramble inside. That’s when I start to curse. In between panting. Not my finest moment.

I drive home and hope the wind is a bit calmer by the house. Yeah, who was I kidding? It wasn’t. If anything, it was worse. I get the back-end of the van open once more and the gate so I can tote my bags in. The wind pulls the gate out of my hands and drives a sliver into my finger. @#%^$*# wind!

I pile my bags on the porch, fight the wind to close the gate and open the house door. I manage to get the bags of groceries inside, fighting the wind all the while. I collapse in the kitchen chair and try to catch my breath. I swear I heard Mother Nature chuckling as I rubbed the top of my head and sucked on my sore finger.

#^@%#^$& wind!



How was your day?