Cee's Challenges · Humor · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday

Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: Week 10

This week I am participating for the first time in Cee’s Odd Ball photo challenge. Something different for me. Hope you enjoy my pictures.

Thank you Cee for having such fun challenges!

What's up there???
What’s up there???

I have no idea what Notwen is looking at, as I saw nothing up on the ceiling, but he was fascinated.

What is it??
What is it??

Can anyone guess what this is?? I know what it is, but I thought it might be fun to see if anyone can figure it out.


Now why did I take a picture of this??
Now why did I take a picture of this??


It’s part of my sidewalk next to my house. I have no idea why I took a picture of it! LOL