Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday

If We Were Having Coffee


If We Were Having Coffee


If we were having coffee, we’d probably be sitting in my kitchen as it’s a rather rainy cool spring day here. I don’t mind as we need the rain.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you how much fun I had doing the April A-Z Challenge. It was my first year doing it and I set myself a rather large goal. To write a story with a chapter for every letter. I would also tell you that I’m quite proud of myself for reaching the finish line! I did finish the challenge but not the story. That will continue into May until it is done. I know I’ve disappointed a few of my readers by not finishing the story but felt I couldn’t cram all that was left into the last week of the challenge.

I do appreciate every reader that stuck with me throughout the month of April. Your reading and appreciation for the story is what is keeping me going! Thank you!

If we were having coffee, I would share my news that when I am done with the story “The ABC’s of Death”, I will be editing and adding a few deleted scenes and chapters and publishing it as my first self-published novel! So even if you have read it here for the challenge, when I publish, it will have new chapters and scenes that you haven’t read! I will also be publishing my first story “The Fedora” as a short story at the same time as the Death novel. That will be an introduction to DeeDee Watson, PI, Tee (her dog), and Fedora. That I will be offering as a free download (there will also be added scenes in it). This has me super excited and super scared.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that April was a tough month for me in other ways. Yes, the challenge was difficult, but I was determined to finish. I also had it tough in a personal way. My younger brother had a brain aneurysmย a week after Easter. According to my mother, he was having severe headaches the prior week. After Easter, he went to work but the pain was so bad he decided to go home. His boss called my sister and told her she was worried about my brother as he wasn’t acting himself.

They live in a small town where everyone knows everyone. My sister went to look for him and finally found him at home. His speech was slurred, he had difficulty seeing and walking, so she drove him to the hospital. That’s when they found out that he had a brain aneurysm. The doctors told him he should have died. He didn’t. He survived and after spending more than a week in the hospital he is ok. Which is a miracle.

His speech is fine, his mobility is fine. He might have some problems with his memory.

At this same time my mother thought she might be having more heart problems as she passed out and was feeling weak. She already has a pacemaker. The doctors thought she might have a faulty heart valve. Thankfully she doesn’t. She is extremely anemic. Which has happened to her before. They gave her some medicine and she seems to be improving.

My mother told me that aneurysms run in the family. They are genetic. Oh, gee, something else to worry about health-wise. I’m just thankful that both my mother and brother seem to be doing fine now. I haven’t been able to talk to my brother, seems my siblings still think I’m persona non grata with them. I have yet to figure out why.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you to have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy your family and friends as you never know when tragedy might strike. I would advise you to never hold grudges, never hold on to anger, always strive to understand the other person. Don’t live in the past, let it go and live for now. Sometimes the other person is going through things you don’t know about. Be gentle with them and yourself.

Till next time. I think for now I will sit a spell longer and enjoy my coffee and good memories.



The #WeekendCoffeeShare is the brainchild of Part Time Monster. Please go visit and click on the linkyย to see other posts being done with beverages. Thanks!

33 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee

  1. Ahhh… I’m so sorry to hear about those pain you’ve been through lately.. But glad that everything and everyone is okay ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Fingers crossed ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great weekend ahead dear!!!


  2. Jackie, I am so sorry to hear about your brother (and your mother) but glad they are doing well now. I have even more admiration for your ability to not only keep up with the A-Z challenge but to deliver good content during such a stressful month.

    Yes, I was one that eagerly looked forward to the ending but that’s okay, I’d rather read a good story than one cut short to keep it on a schedule.

    Would you like to join me for coffee? The sun is shining and it’s currently 71 degrees.


    1. I would love to have coffee with you Lois! Right now it’s a cool 48 degrees here. Springtime in Canada. Thank you for the kind words also. Hugs my friend.


  3. We’ve chatted, so you know my thoughts and prayers are with you for your family. I thought I would tell you something funny while we have our coffee together.

    Do you get a lot of hits on your blog post, “Me~Me~Me! Itโ€™s All About Me! ~~ Week 33”? It might be one of your highest rated posts. That’s because of me! ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t have you bookmarked. I simply go to Google and type in “To” – just the word to – and your link comes up on that particular post. I click it all the time to come to your site. So that one post has probably had a million hits. Most of them were me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hope you’re relaxing and having a good weekend!


    1. I know your thoughts and prayers are with my family. I appreciate it my friend.
      I have wondered why that particular post keeps getting hits. LOL You little stinker. I think it’s hilarious. ๐Ÿ™‚
      I am relaxing and I hope you are too! โค


  4. I liked this coffee date. Thank you Jackie for sharing. I’m glad you brother survived and I do know about aneurisms. My dad had one on a main aorta that they were afraid to deal with until they finally had to. I’m glad your mom got better too. Family is funny. I’m with you in the holding no grudges thing. Not worth it. I’ve been wondering how your husband is doing. You’ve had a whole lot to deal with and you stood up to it. You are stronger than even you realize. But then, we are all here cheering you on in the background. Keep going kiddo. You are doing good.


    1. Thank you Marlene. I don’t always feel very strong. I get frustrated and my feelings get hurt by family all over again. But all I can do is what I can. The husband is doing better with his stronger pain pills. We are looking into different things to help the pain other then drugs. The doctor is not being very helpful for some reason.


  5. I only caught one or two of your posts for A to Z. There were so many and, because I had surgery on the 16th, I have been having trouble concentrating on reading and even staying awake so I will be going around and reading as many posts on your blog and others as I can, now that the concentration and focus are starting to return.


  6. What a month! I’m glad everyone seems okay and congrats for making it through A-Z!


  7. I’ve enjoyed reading your story and will continue to do so until it is finished. I’m also glad that your brother and mother are okay. โค


  8. I’m glad to hear your mom and brother are ok. And I have a tiny confession… I haven’t been reading the story YET. Emphasis on yet. I want to be able to sit down and read the whole thing at once because the first piece you wrote was just so damn good. I’m very excited to hear that you’ll be publishing it. YAY!!!


  9. I just came across your blog through the coffee share, congratulations for completing A to Z, I am not sure if I have come across your entries and will check that out in the days to come.
    I hope that your mom and brother will continue to get better and that you will rebuild a good relationship with your siblings.


  10. I’m very happy that everyone seems to be doing better, but it’s still tough on you and it’s easy to feel hurt all over again. Please don’t own your siblings’ problem, just be yourself and send them warm thoughts. I’m also glad you have decided to publish, as you already know. Hugs and โค


    1. Thank you tiny. I try not to own my siblings problems. I just want to understand what terrible thing I am supposed to have done for them to treat me this way. Kind of hard to find out when they refuse to talk to me. Sigh. No matter how old I get my friend, people still confuse me. Hugs and โค

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Sorry about the family health issues Jackie, and also sorry that they’re not talking to you! Families are tough. Great about the writing though, that really is an achievement to plough through that every day in the month like you did!


  12. Strength to your family dealing with health issues. Never easy … but (as you mentioned), your brother made … now we hope for better times ahead.

    I admire those who pour themselves into writing friction. As you know, I’m more of the nonfiction blogger, but my next post is a step outside the box.


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