Blog challenge · Daily Prompt · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · Stories of my life · writing

DAILY PROMPT Antique Antics

Daily Prompt: Antique Antics

What’s the oldest thing you own? (Toys, clothing, twinkies, Grecian urns: anything’s fair game.) Recount its history — from the object’s point of view.





Ah, I remember the day I left my sister cookbooks and was mailed off to my new owner. Such a glorious day that was. I was new, fresh, smelled like newly printed paper. I was so excited to be whisked off to my new home. I just knew I would be put to good use.

Inside of my shiny new covers was one thousand recipes, tested and proved at the Priscilla Proving Plant. I was even a special edition! I was so proud! Class of 1928.

Now 86 years later, I’m still going strong. A lot older, yellowed with age, lots of brown spots. My binding might be weak, loose, but I still have all my pages. I have a few handwritten notes on some pages in different handwriting. I’m into my third generation of owners, all from the same family.

I started with the grandmother. She was so happy to receive me in the mail. She was a young mother then with six children, two more would be born after I arrived. She had a hard life, poor, with a stern husband. She ordered me through a catalog in the hopes of finding new dishes to please her young and growing family. Always an excellent cook had been Martha, always wanting to improve. She used the recipes in me for many years. Her youngest son Russell, would be my next owner.

Russell received me after my beloved first owner died. He too had a young family to feed. He loved his mother very much and wanted the one thing that was so special to her. Me! So there I was, in a new house sitting in a cupboard, bored, neglected. The man was so distraught over losing his mother it took him years before he would even look at me again. I stuck around, waited, patient, for his grieving to end. He enjoyed cooking and baking, so I knew if I was patient, I would be used once more.

Then one day it happened. The cupboard opened and he took me in hand! Oh my that was an exciting day for me. He wanted a bread recipe. He knew his mother used a recipe in me that was simple yet so good. He felt like baking. So I was used again and it felt wonderful!

For many years this family used the recipes inside my covers to make satisfying meals for their family. I opened up to find new cookie recipes, new casserole recipes. It was during those years that many new stains were left on my pages. New comments were written in my margins. I was happy and fulfilled my duty well.

Then the man died. He fought a great fight against cancer for years, but just grew tired. The cancer spread and took the mans life and I was once more put in a cupboard and forgotten. Or so I thought I was forgotten.

One day the cupboard door was opened once more and the widow took me out of the dark. I was packed into a box with many other mementos of the family’s life. I was being shipped away from the family! I was so scared. Where would I go? Who would cook my recipes now? It was such a sad, dark time for me. Till I arrived at the door of my new owner.

She is the youngest daughter of the man. I was still in the family, but a long ways from home. I was even in another country! Canada is where I ended up. I remember the woman taking me out of the big dark box. She lovingly opened my covers and looked at all the favorite recipes that her grandmother and father used to cook. I remember the tears that fell upon my pages, the soft caress as she saw her father’s handwriting.

She made me famous as she blogged about me. She used recipes out of me just as her father and grandmother had done. I might be old, yellowed, a bit brittle with age. I have a few new stains, like the tear drops that fell on me those few years ago. But I am in the same family, being used once again.

And truly, a cookbook cannot ask for more.




Blog challenge · Cee's Challenges · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

Share Your World – 2014 Week 22

Cee over at Cee’s photography puts up a post challenge every Monday. It’s called Share Your World. She asks 4 questions and you give answers in a post so we can all get to know our fellow bloggers a little better. Thanks Cee, it’s a wonderful idea. Why not come and join us?

So here is my answers to this week’s question.




Regarding animals would you prefer not having them around or having domestic pets, farm animals, or seeing them in nature or the zoo?

I love all animals. I have always had pets, usually dogs, but I love cats too. I’ve been on farms and around farm animals. I prefer seeing animals free and natural, but some zoo’s I know are getting better about the keeping of animals. I would love to have the money and acreage to have a place for abused animals come to and live their life out as free as possible and well taken care of. That’s always been a dream of mine. Come on lottery winnings!!

Are you a collector of anything? 

I used to be. After losing my things so many times in my life, I have become less and less materialistic. That and I hate to dust LOL. I used to collect Santa’s, coke things, anything with wolves. Now all I collect is years and memories.

If you could know the answer to any question, besides “What is the meaning of life?”, what would it be?

Why can’t people just get along and accept each other’s differences as something good and not bad?


If you were to treat yourself to the “finer things” what would you treat yourself to? 

Some really good expensive coffee beans. Mmmmm. Coffee……  Or, all the books I want and can’t afford. Or, all the painting supplies I want but can’t afford. And to go with that I would have a big studio with lots of natural light. Other than that, I’m good. I’m not one much for clothes or shoes or jewelry. So for me, those are the “finer things” in life.



Blog challenge · Blogging · Daily Prompt · Humor · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · Stories of my life

DAILY PROMPT Snapshot Stories ~~ Where Oh Where Am I?

Daily Prompt; Snapshot Stories

Open the first photo album you can find — real or virtual, your call — and stop at the first picture of yourself you see there. Tell us the story of that photo.


I have no real photo albums anymore. I used to but they are all gone now. Long story there for another time. As for virtual photo albums, I have a lot of photos, but they all are about Sam, my dog, or Notwen and Pouncer, my cats. I only have one photo of me and that’s what I use for my Gravatar photo. It was taken about five years ago by yours truly. Yes, my own kind of selfie. I had a new digital camera, one of those small ones, and so I was playing with it when I took my selfie. No duck face, thank goodness. I never understood that craze!

That’s pretty much the story behind this photo. One day I might take another one just to compare how I’ve aged LOLor then again maybe not.

Jackie 2009



I don’t enjoy having my photo taken so there aren’t many around, anywhere. I’m usually behind the camera not in front. I’ve always been this way, camera-shy. So I suppose once I die, I’ll only be a fading memory somewhere. That’s ok. I can live and die with that.






nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life · Uncategorized · writing

Comments for Rara

To any of my readers that also know Rara, or just want to give some encouragement to a fellow blogger, who is having a rough time, please head over to The Matticus Kingdom and leave a message. I’ll meet you there!

The Matticus Kingdom

Hey all,

Zoe and I decided that it would be awesome to collect a bunch of comments, notes, thoughts, etc… from all of you and see about getting them to Rara in the next couple days.

So, leave whatever you want to say in the comment section and we’ll make sure it gets to her.

(And don’t forget to click on the rawrLove link in my sidebar if you haven’t already.)

(And, if you’d rather not have your comments be public, you can email them to me at djmatticus at yahoo dot com.)

Remember, chances are, she loves all of you, without question, without qualification, without reserve.

How do you feel about her?

Spread some rawrLove of your own.

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Blog challenge · Cee's Challenges · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

Sharing a Bit About Me ~~ (Week 18)

After the terrible start of this week, I’m trying to get back to something more steady. My friend rara would want that I’m sure. If you would like to help me help a great friend, please read this post on rara’s story and donate if you can. Please!

So here is my answers to Cee’s questions with Share Your World. Cee asks us 4 questions every week and we answer them in an attempt to get to know fellow bloggers a bit better. Feel free to join in!



What object do you always have with you when traveling and why?

Besides the obvious? Like meds, drivers license, stuff like that? The only thing that comes to mind is two business size cards my dad gave to me when I was about, 15 or 16. I can’t really remember, it’s been too many years ago now. I might have been younger than that, but not by much. They aren’t regular business cards though. I will try to scan them and add them to this post. They are joke cards. My dad (who passed away 10 years ago) had a great sense of humor. He would tell off-color jokes to see if he could get me to blush. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. But it gave him a laugh. I sure miss that.

My dad had a good sense of humor.
My dad had a good sense of humor.


Anyway, no matter where I travel I have these 2 cards in my wallet. They seem to be good luck pieces to me. A piece of my dad with me in all my travels, watching over me. I don’t travel anywhere without them. Ever.

What subject would you like to study in depth, if given the time to do so?

Creative writing, or a foreign language. Spanish or French would be nice.

Which would you prefer:  a wild, turbulent life filled with joy, sorrow, passion, and adventure–intoxicating successes and stunning setbacks; or a contented bordering on happy, secure, predictable life surrounded by friends and family without such wide swings of fortune and mood?

Give me the wild, turbulent life, please. That’s what I’ve been living with so far and man it’s been a wild ride! No regrets. Wilds highs, and lowest lows. I don’t want to just settle. I want to live life to its fullest. Feel every emotion, do things that will bring me great memories. That’s the ride in life I love. I’m not finished either, more adventures await me, more life filled with great joy, passion and love! Wouldn’t want it any other way.

What are your favorite spices?

Cumin, chili’s, garlic, thyme, really any spice. I love experimenting with spices. So I’ll try just about anything. I can be adventurous in my cooking. Don’t know what you might like till you try.



Blog challenge · Cee's Challenges · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life · writing

Share Your World – 2014 Week 17

It’s time for Cee’s Share Your World once again. Thank you Cee for each week posting great questions.





What are some words that just make you smile?

Love, friendship, hello! These are just a few. Or great, delicious, I love you, Spring, warmth, sunshine, books, music. Those are a few others that tend to make me smile or feel good. I’m sure there are many others, but those are the ones I pick today.

When you lose electricity in a storm, do you light the candles or turn on the flashlight? How many of each do you own?

Oh most definitely light candles. I love candles. They shine with a soft glow and I have them that smell heavenly. So oh yes, bring on the candles! I also have a practical streak and so I do have flashlights too, mostly to light my way to the bathroom. Candles are best just sitting in one spot, much safer that way. But I love candles so always have some around. How many do I have? Oh, I have candles in every room! I usually have them in those glass jars like Yankee candles come in. Oh, if I could afford it, I would have Yankee candles in every room! But what I do have smell lovely and are every color in the rainbow. I also have flashlights in the living room, kitchen and bedrooms.


What is the longest book you ever read?

I’ve read a lot of long books, but there was one many years ago by a woman author. I can’t remember her name or the name of the book, which I hate when that happens. But I do remember it was her first published book and she was like in her late 70’s or early 80’s. It was about a woman’s book club. It was a long book! Probably the size of two, maybe three regular size books. It was also an amazing book! It told about all these different women, and it was fascinating. I believe it was set in like the 30’s or 40’s and went on for years! I really wish I could remember the name, but it just escapes me.

So you win a pet monkey at a fair, but this isn’t just any old monkey. It can do one trick for you whenever you want from getting a pop out of the fridge to washing your hair. What would be the trick?

Ah, poor monkey. Well, if I won it, then I would make sure it had a good home. I’m a softy that way. One trick, huh? I think I would have it dust for me! Yes, that’s what it would do, for one thing it can get up in those corners and get those nasty cobwebs down. I am also quite a slacker as far as dusting is concerned. I don’t like to do it, don’t know why, but I’d rather do just about anything else but dust. Which is rather strange as I am allergic to dust. LOL Go figure.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week I was glad to see the temps get up to 20C, which they are supposed to again today. I’m always grateful for best friends, things would be pretty dull without them.  What I am looking forward to is more warm weather, I am so tired of winter hanging on. I’m happy to see the end of the month for several reasons. Bring on May!


Blog challenge · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life · writing

Ten Things of Thankful

So here is another weekend. Hope everyone’s is going good.

It’s time for another post hosted by Lizzi over at Considerings, called Ten Things of Thankful. Where we list 10 things we are thankful for this past week. I just hope I can actually do 10! Why not go and visit Lizzi and see what she’s up to? She’s an awesome writer, so you won’t regret it.

Lizzi also did a great Wordle thingy which I am totally stealing. Thanks Lizzi!



I am thankful that another month is almost over. It’s bringing me closer to something that I am going to love. It’s a secret for now, but when it comes, man I will be so ready! Sorry I can’t let you all on in the secret, but I want to hold it close for a little while longer.

I thought winter was over with, and I was thankful for that. But then, I woke up this morning to a white mess outside. Spring, spring you fickle creature. (That was yesterday, today it warmed up and melted all the snow!)

I have a few wonderful, truly amazing best friends. They lend me their ears to pour my insecurities or my happiness into. They never judge me and cheer with me on every adventure I want to take. They are wonderful, amazing, and I am so lucky to have them. (They know who they are)

Sam (c) JLPhillips 2013
Sam (c) JLPhillips 2013

Sam, my little bundle of fur baby joy is just wonderful. He cuddles me when I need them, kisses my tears away, listens to my secrets, and keeps them too! He’s so funny too. And he’s getting down right popular! Soon he will have fans wanting his autograph. He’s been in a book written by my good friend tiny over at, she’s a fantastic writer and her book “Confessions of a Rescue Dog” helps other animals at her local humane society with each book sold. (This is the one Sam is in).

I love music, it’s been a huge part of my life. It’s helped me say so much that I want to say to certain people. I’m always on the lookout for new music to give a listen to. So if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to let me know and I’ll give it a go! It has helped me when I was down and out, or when I’m happy and joyful!

I saw my first spring Robin the other day! Now I know Spring is coming, even if old man winter just doesn’t want to let go. I was so happy to see that Robin, now I hear him every day outside my window and it makes me smile.

Ah, coffee, my love, my preferred nectar. I’m always grateful for coffee, but today for some reason it tasted extra good. Yeah, I love me some coffee.



I have been doing NaPoWriMo this month and it has been quite the experience. I have learned so much about poetry and all its different forms. It’s been some hard days, but I’m glad I did it. I am planning on doing an extra special poem on Wednesday which is the last day of this month-long extravaganza. I have asked my good friend Michael to help me in this and he has graciously accepted the challenge (poor deluded man, LOL). It has been a great learning experience. I wanted to challenge myself (as I was NO poet) and I accomplished that. What amazed me, was my dear readers (this means YOU) seemed to enjoy the experience too. Thank you so much, you guys are the best!!

Next month, I am going back to writing what I love the best, short stories and flash fiction. I took a break, now I’m revved up to get back into it.


Blog challenge · Mi Vida Loca · NaPoWriMo · nonfiction · poetry · postaday · Stories of my life · Uncategorized · writing

NaPoWriMo Day 15 Poem ~~~ Two Kittens

Today’s poem I have tried to follow the NaPoWriMo website’s prompt. As I have no idea what I am doing half the time, I sure hope this works.

Today, I challenge you to write a poem in Terza Rima. This form was invented by Dante, and used in The Divine Comedy. It consists of three-line stanzas, with a “chained” rhyme scheme. The first stanza is ABA, the second is BCB, the third is CDC, and so on. No particular meter is necessary, but English poets have tended to default to iambic pentameter (iambic pentameter is like the Microsoft Windows of English poetry). One common way of ending a Terza rima poem is with a single line standing on its own, rhyming with the middle line of the preceding three-line stanza.


(c) JLPhillips 2013, Pouncer and Notwen, innocent looking right?
(c) JLPhillips 2013, Pouncer and Notwen, innocent looking right?

Two Kittens

Once in a barn, in a pile of hay, sat two kittens
Brother and sister, twins I was sure
I knew I had to have them, I was truly smitten

I’ll take them both I said to mother cat
And give them lots of love and care
She stared at me,  flicked her tail and sat

I bought them treats and a place to climb
Then took them home with me
Two little furry bundles, kitty love is so sublime

A few days later I gave them names
To fit their different kitty natures
As they slept and played their kitten games

The male was Notwen, the female Pouncer
So much alike,  so different in ways
Playing and tumbling, he could never trounce her

They are years older now, still together
They don’t play as much, but still
Where one is the other, always in fetter

So glad I got those two kittens whom I fell for against my will

Blog challenge · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · Stories of my life · writing

Ten Things of Thankful ~~ Spring Is In The Air!

Hello people!

Hope everyone’s weekend was what you wanted it to be!

Considerings via Lizzi has this wonderful thing going on every weekend.  We list 10 things we are thankful for. It helps build a feeling of gratitude, which is always good.

Join the Ten Things of Thankful community and work with us to nurture an attitude of gratitude. We use the whole weekend to focus on the Good Things in life. Make a list of Ten of those wonderful Things, then share the Wonderfulness with others.

We will prevail because we have compassion, and we have each other.


Here’s my list for this week:

I’m thankful for trying out new things. I joined NaPoWriMo this month and I will admit I am not a poet. But, I wanted to challenge myself as a writer and so I joined and have not missed a day so far. They might not be the greatest poems, but I’m happy with what I’ve done so far, and it stretches my writing. So it’s all good.

I have seen glimpses of Spring this week! It has gotten as warm as 19C (66F). I so enjoyed our little teaser of spring weather. Of course this Friday and this morning I woke up to snow again! Arg!!!! But at least it doesn’t last now. Spring is on the way!


I’ve enjoyed some great emails from friends this week. I so enjoy good friends and the words they write me. It might just be about their lives, but it connects me to them and I like that.

I’m even thankful for Trudy the Treadmill, (yes I’ve named my treadmill, what of it??) lol. Because without her I would not have lost the bit of weight I have this week. Yay!!!

Now that brings me to another thing I have been grateful for. Weight loss! I don’t know how much, as I don’t own a scale and refuse to get one, but I have noticed my clothes just tiny bit loose, so that’s always a good sign!

I’m grateful for a bit more movement in my left thumb. Let me explain. For the past several months my left thumb has been getting more and more stiff, till I couldn’t bend it all. I went to the doctors and he said I had an inflamed sheath around a nerve in my thumb. So, I had to go to a specialist and have a cortisone shot into my thumb. It’s still stiff, but it is starting to bend some again. And there is no longer any pain. I may need another shot though, as it is still not right.

I’m thankful for good music. I have been revisiting some real old music of my childhood and it’s great to listen to. Especially when you have a good friend to share it with.

As always I’m thankful for good coffee. Hey, without it I’m only half alive. Who wants a half alive writer on WordPress? Not me!


I’m thankful for all the inspiration around me to write. Not only all these poems, but other kinds of writings too. I see so much that inspires me, sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming. I just let my imagination fly!

I’m thankful for the support and encouraging words I receive here on this blog. I am so glad I started to fulfill I lifetime dream of writing. All of you have always had such nice things to say and have encouraged me to keep writing. As a good friend of mine would say, RAWR! hehehe

Blog challenge · NaPoWriMo · nonfiction · poetry · postaday · Stories of my life · writing

NaPoWriMo Day 9 Poem ~~ Once Upon A Time


Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, I had a dream that I lived in
That dream got shattered, left on the curbside of life.

Once upon a time, I listened to others,
Thought they knew more than me what I wanted in life

Once upon a time, I wanted other things,
Material things, inanimate objects ruled my life

Once upon a time, I thought I loved, wanted it
An emotion that was denied me throughout this life

Once upon a time, I lost it all, love, objects, sanity
Everything was turned inside out, including almost losing my life

Once upon a time, I fought back, against all odds
I wouldn’t let go, I wanted to live a life

Once upon a time, my outlook changed, my needs, my wants
I took this second chance to actually turn around what was this life

Once upon a time, I took charge of me, my ideals changed so drastically
What I used to want, I wanted no more to be a part of my new life

Once upon a time, I thought love was lost to me, never to be seen again
But I was wrong, love walked calmly and surely in and made me look again at life

Once upon a time, I never realized how much I missed having someone
My heart was sleeping, now it’s awake and ready for living a life

Once upon a time, is no more, it’s gone like fairy tales of old
I can only smile, laugh, breathe the fresh air of the love of my life

Blog challenge · Daily Prompt · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · Stories of my life · Uncategorized · writing

Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line

Today’s Daily Prompt asks these questions today;

Have you got a code you live by? What are the principles or set of values you actively apply in your life?


Why yes, I do have a code I live by, thank you for asking. I’ve been in this world for a while now, some might consider me ‘old’, some just middle age. I don’t consider myself either one, but that’s a whole other story.

I have had situations in my life that have shown me at my worst. I’m not proud of those times and thankfully it was way in the past. I’ve grown since then, lived, loved, lost and soaked it all in.

I’ve developed a few codes of conduct that I usually stick with  pretty closely. It’s not something written down in some book. It’s something I’ve developed on my own from just living life. I’ve thought about it and the best description I can come up with is this.

My ‘code’ that I live by is relatively simple.  It’s a combination of the Toltec Agreements, my Native American heritage, and just plain old me.


Be impeccable with your word: Always say what you mean. Speak with integrity. Don’t gossip and don’t put yourself down. Speak with love, truth and kindness. 

I do try to do this always. I don’t like gossip and I try not to spread any. It’s just a waste of breath, as you don’t know what’s going on in someone’s life. You may hear bits and pieces, but unless you are behind their closed doors you don’t really know. There is usually much more to someone’s story than you hear. And well, Karma, you know, that’s a big one for me. Talk with respect, kindness and truth, and it will never come back to bite your ass later on.

Don’t take anything personally: What someone else does is NOT because of you. They made a choice. What others say and do has nothing to do with you. They are the owners of their own words and deeds and when you accept that, and become immune to others deeds and words you won’t become the victim of needless suffering and hurt.

This one took me a great many years to learn. But it is so true. Everyone has their choices to make, how they make them is up to them. NOT YOU. So next time when someone says to you, “You made me do this”, call them out on their lie and then walk away with your head held high. You didn’t make them do anything, they did it all on their own.

Don’t make assumptions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions or to say what you really want. Talk to others in a clear and concise manner, it avoids misunderstandings, drama and sadness. This alone can be a life changer.

I have learned the hard way that this is true. Don’t be wishy washy on what you want. If you aren’t sure about something, ask questions! Even if those questions are to yourself. Ask them and get answers. Always, Always be honest, especially to yourself. Talk to others in a concise manner. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Don’t say one thing and then do another. Don’t lie. And don’t dramatize what you are saying. Whether in writing or in speaking. No misunderstandings can help you and others not get hurt. And might lead to wonderful things to happen in your world.


Always do your best: Your best is always going to change. Sometimes daily. Sometimes several times IN a day. Whether you are sick or well, tired or rested. Whatever the circumstance, do your best for that moment and avoid self-judgement, self-abuse and regret.

Yes, yes, yes! Be kind to yourself for one thing. There is enough hardship and criticism in this world, why add to it?  Especially toward yourself? It’s not a good thing to do. Others will follow suit and start criticizing you also. Don’t let that happen. Always do your best or try to. You owe it to yourself to do so. Also, you will feel so good about yourself knowing you did try your best. In my life I have always tried my best at everything I have done. So when something did fail, I knew deep inside it wasn’t because of me. And I could be proud of that fact. Regret is something I have very little of in my life.


Do you have a code you live by? If so let me know, as I am always listening and learning.





  2. Life | Kate Murray
  3. Texting Or Talking? | The Jittery Goat
  4. Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
  5. Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line | mayeverydayahappyday
  6. Revelation | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  7. Patriot | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  8. DP Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line | Sabethville
  9. Don’t be a d*ck. | thoughtsofrkh
  10. Walk the Line: Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA’S BLOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  11. do your best and leave the rest to fortuosity | eastelmhurst.a.go.go
  12. This teacher’s code | One Educator’s Life
  13. Cherish Time | wisskko’s blog
  14. rivington | yiching lin photography
  15. Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  16. My codes: A photo essay | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project”
  17. [M.M.X.I.V. 89] Texts, letters, talking | Never A Worry
  18. Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line | seikaiha’s blah-blah-blah
  19. Respect The Artist, Respect The Work | Goodnight Hestia
  20. Creed « Averil Dean
  21. Daily Prompt: I Walk The Line-Psychology: Understanding Why We Do What We Do | Journeyman
  22. Values For Sheen | Flowers and Breezes
  23. Codes 1, 2, and 3 | Among the Whispers
  24. What’s My Line(s)? | The Zombies Ate My Brains
  25. 287. The Moral Compass | Barely Right of Center
  26. Walking the Mommy Line While out on Business Travel « psychologistmimi
  27. What Would Life Be without Them? | Ms. Raven Marie
  28. Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line | Completely Disappear
  29. A Marauder May be a Good Person in Disguise | Virginia Views
  30. Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line | My Atheist Blog
  31. We all have values | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  32. Taking Off My Shoes | Kosher Adobo
  33. Difference Engine | Speculative Paradigm Shifts
  34. liferuless hahahaha.. it is wrekless | from dusk to dawn….
  35. Staying in Focus: Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line: Love Will Keep Us Together | Staying in Focus
Blog challenge · Blogging · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · Stories of my life · Uncategorized · writing

Weekly Writing Challenge: Golden Years

For this week’s writing challenge, we’re asking you to explore what age means to you. Is it the loss of youth, or the cultivation of wisdom? Do things get better as you grow older, or worse? There are many ways to interpret age, often depending on your relationship with the passing of time.




Age, we all age. In years, in experiences, in memories, in how we view things. We all age, unless we die young. For this writing challenge I’m going to take you on a road most have never been, except me. I’m going to take you down MY road.

In November, for NaNoWriMo I started writing my memoirs. Now I‘ve lived a long time. No, I’m not going to say how old I am, but take my word for it. It’s been a long time since my mother pushed me so rudely out into the world.

When I was writing my memoirs, I began to realize a few things. One, I’m amazed I’m still alive! Two, I’ve been through a lot of shit. Three, I’m still amazed I’m still alive! Ok, maybe that’s repeating myself, but I could have died any number of times. Just wasn’t my time.

(Age 0 to now) From day one I haven’t had it easy. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m not whining about it. It is what it is and I’ve survived. We all have choices in this world, depending on what choices we make, it could go badly, or well.

(Age 5 to 16) I’ve had friends from childhood that made their choices and it did not end well. I made other choices. Oh some were not the best and some were downright stupid. But I own them and give no excuses as I made my choices at the time the best I knew how.

(Age 3 to 10) I was born the second youngest of a family of 4 siblings. I wasn’t planned and I wasn’t wanted. How do I know this? My mother told me this several times. I believe her. I was born in a time when you kept your kids, whether you wanted them or not. So there I was. We were very poor when I was young. I remember eating ketchup or lard sandwiches. Yeah, lard, you know, animal fat. Back then you could buy it in big tubs. That’s what people cooked with before we knew it was bad for us.

My mother would spread the lard on a piece of bread and sprinkle sugar on it. We kids ate it and were glad to have something to eat.

(Age 2 to 9) Then growing up was hard. I was sexually abused for years by a family member. Since I was about 2 or 3 till I was nine. So coming from that I could have made wrong decisions and gotten into alcohol and drugs. But I didn’t. Those were my choices. I didn’t do it. I watched a childhood friend go that route when she was abused by someone. She became a prostitute and a drug addict. I don’t even know if she’s still alive. I doubt it.

I’m not saying I’m stronger than my friend was. I’m not. I just made different choices. I choose to bury myself in books. But I suffered in other ways. I became painfully shy, especially with boys and men. For  a while I hated myself. Sometimes I still do. I would gain weight just so I was unattractive. So you see, I made different choices.

(Age 18 to now) Then I made a choice to leave home, as my mother and I never got along. I moved in with a friend and she almost killed me. Twice. I wrote about that before here. I don’t blame her, as her mind broke and she didn’t have any choices, they were taken away from her. But it is part of my history. I could have died by her hands easily.

After that I moved briefly to Mississippi. For a man, of course. Needless to say it didn’t work out as he was a major asshat, not to mention he was a mama’s boy and mama didn’t like me. I moved to Texas after 6 months of him calling me names and fights. He was the only man I punched.  Ha! He called me a whore, I punched him in the face. A few days later I was on a bus to Texas and my little brother. Again choices. Some not so good.

I lived and worked in Texas for almost a year when I met my ex. Yeah, another bad choice. I married him, he turned out to be a major narc, I went into deep depressions.

Then I got cancer. And another depression. Now I know these things were not choices. They were just something that happened. I had no control over the cancer. Not much over the depression until I got mad and whipped its butt. That was where the choice came in. I got lucky and I know it. Most people can not beat depression on their own. I know this and I am deeply respectful of those people. It’s not an easy fight with or without drugs and counselling.

The first depression could have been my last as I contemplated suicide. I had the gun in my hand, ready to do it. My four dogs saved my life. Another story I wrote about on here.

The second time I found out I had cancer and my ex was a major douchcouch. I had lost my last of 4 babies. Miscarried. He refused to talk about it as usual. I kept the pain inside. I was told I had cancer, he refused to talk about it. I went into a major depression. After a couple of years I crawled out of the depression and was cancer free. Yeah, I should have died then too. Because I ignored the cancer.

I left the narc. We divorced and he stalked me for 5 years. My best friend was terrified he was going to harm me. I believed her. I moved back to Wisconsin, where I was from. He showed up one day. I left and moved to Canada. To this day I believe he meant me harm. Where I was living in Wisconsin there was a whole forest to hide my body.

There were of course, lots of other things in between these life changing events. But I don’t want to bore you. As I said I’ve been alive a long time. Sometimes I have no idea how I managed.

As for now, I’m thinking of another life changing event. It hasn’t happened yet, but I’m hoping it will soon. That won’t be dangerous, I’m sure it won’t. Unless some critter gets me. I’ll just have to wait and see.

Lives are about choices. Good, bad, and ugly. We can regret things, hold hate inside, fury or some other destructive emotion, till it eats us up. Or we can let it all go and rejoice in being alive for another day. Choices.

I prefer celebrating. So it comes down to age, years lived. For me age is just a number, granted, it’s a relatively high number, but it’s all good. Don’t be afraid of aging. Don’t worry when the years rack up and you see a bit more wrinkles, a bit more gray in the hair. Be thankful you got this far and look to the horizon for more years to add to your age. You’ll be fine.





  1. Here’s The Thing About Age (That No One Seems To Know) | Sammi Talk
  2. Worlds Apart | Apoplectic Apostrophes
  3. Death and Suffering: A fear of the Unknown | Thorough and Unkempt
  4. The Path | siobhanmcnamara
  5. Weekly writing challenge, the Golden years : It’s all Gold, a 95 word story | Challenged for Words
  6. Weekly Writing Challenge: Golden Years | Wendy Karasin – Musings of a Boomer
  7. Turning 26 | Eclecticfemale’s Blog
  8. Teenage years? | Paper Plane Pilots
  9. Meaning of age | MamaAsparagus
  10. Beauty In A Plastic Age | the TEMENOS JOURNAL
  11. The Young Old Lady, Mrs.Thopmson | alifemoment
  12. Twenty-seven: The Year of My Death | Schizo Incognito
  13. Weekly Writing Challenge: Golden Years: After the Lights Went Out: The Lost Years | Just Be V
  14. Wrinkles | The Seminary of Praying Mantis
  15. Weekly Writing Challenge: Golden Years | Sarah Alison
  16. On Being 22 | motor city blondie
  17. Bending God. | thejimmieG
  18. If You Could Have Immortality..Would You Take It? | B.Kaotic
  19. “HIM” Weekly Writing Challenge | standinginthestorm
  20. Weekly Writing Challenge: Perspective Through The Ages | Fit 4 Life, LLC
  21. Aging like a fine Wine | C Life, Live Life
  22. “Can I See Your ID Please?” | littleladyme
  23. Birthday March | accidentallyreflective
  24. The Golden Years : Fashion Sense Vs. Fashion Sensibility | The Day After
  25. youth | yiching lin photography