Humor · nonfiction · postaday · Sunday Smiles

Silly Sunday

Just some random things I found on the interweb. Enjoy! (I am easily amused…hehehe)



I actually believe in ghost all day and night! But, I thought this was funny. :)
I actually believe in ghost all day and night! But, I thought this was funny. 🙂


Trump supporters! Beware!
Trump supporters! Beware!


I've had this happen recently!
I’ve had this happen recently!


So, so true! ;)
So, so true! 😉


This is what I tell the husband all the time! ha!
This is what I tell the husband all the time! ha!





Humor · nonfiction · postaday · Sunday Smiles

Silly Sunday ~~~ Daylight Saving Edition

Hello people!

Hope this weekend was a great one for you. As you know, most of us are on Daylight Saving time. We had to set our clocks one hour ahead. I don’t understand why we are still doing this old practice. Makes no sense anymore. At least to me. What is your opinion?















Blogging · Comic ~ Sam and Me · Humor · Mi Vida Loca · postaday · writing

Wednesday Comics ~~ Sam and Me ~~ March13

Hello again dear readers! It’s that time of the week again for a visit from my favorite pooch! Sam the Man!! He’s been a little stinker today, not as in phewww stink, but in “Bad boy!” stinker. Give it a look!

Thanks from Sam and Me……..


Sam and Me ©by JLPhillips
Sam and Me ©
by JLPhillips


**click on comic to enlarge**