Blog challenge · Humor · poetry · postaday

An Ode to Spring

Hello people!

Erin over at Mental in the Midwest issued a challenge about the middle of the month. She wants us to do a post about Spring. It can be anything, a story, pictures, even a dirty limerick. 😉

So here is my poem about Spring.


Spring is in the Air!

Spring is in the air!
Birds are nesting everywhere
Trees are budding, flowers blooming
Look it’s a robin redbreast!
What’s this wheezing in my chest?

Spring is in the air!
Bees are buzzing, sun is shining
white fluffy clouds
against a clear sky of blue
Hang on a sec, I need to….achoo!

Spring is in the air!
No more coats and mittens
Put away those shovels
It’s time to be free!
Why are my eyes so itchy?

Spring is in the air!
Open the windows, sweet breeze blowing
grass is getting green
people are smiling with goodwill
Where did I put my Benadryl?

Blogging · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

If We Were Having Coffee

Good day people!

“If we were having coffee” is the brainchild of Part Time Monster. I first saw this nice casual catch up kind of post by Nerdy of Nerd in the Brain and I’ve been reading them in other blogs also for a while now.

I love the casual, friendly tone of these posts, so I thought I would do one of my own. To read other’s please click on Part Time Monster’s name above and join in! Thanks.

If We Were Having Coffee

If we were having coffee, I’d smile and welcome you to sit a while and relax with your favorite cup of coffee or tea.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you about my busy week of writing. I’ve been trying to finish the last chapter(s) of “Man in the Fedora”, so I can go on and start my April A to Z challenge posts.

I would tell you that I may have bitten off more than I can chew, as my challenge is going to be quite ambitious. I won’t be able to tell you what it is yet, as the reveal date is not till March 23rd.

If we were having coffee, I would confess that this week has been a rather hard one for me as I’ve been trying to get all this done while not feeling well. I might have picked up some kind of stomach bug as my tummy is hurting and I have not felt good all week. I’m even having problems eating and for me that is quite serious! 😉

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that the husband is on a new pain medication as his old one of Percocet’s were not doing the job. These are much more powerful according to the doctor. This is his first week taking them, so we are experimenting on the dosage. This morning he said he is feeling more pain-free, so maybe these will help. Fingers crossed. Of course, we know that it’s only temporary and eventually he will need even stronger. But, for now we will take the good.

If we were having coffee, I would smile and tell you I think Spring has come to my corner of Alberta, Canada! We have been having warm weather with lots of sunshine. The trees are in bud and the birds have been busy. Yesterday it was up to 68F (20c). For the middle of March that is fantastic! I love Springtime.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you about Sam’s day of pampering and how his groomer was super excited because he let her trim his nails. Tammy, Sams groomer has been grooming Sam for about 3 years now. She is super patient and loving towards the little guy. But, for all this time he would not let her (or me) trim his nails. He might be small, but boy is he quick! He will squirm and wiggle and yelp like he is being killed when we would attempt to do his nails. I would have to take him to the vets to get them done.

Wednesday he let Tammy do his nails and she was super excited! The last barrier of his trusting her was finally down. When I first got Sam I made the mistake of taking him to different groomers and they managed to hurt him. So he is not a very trusting little guy. When I found Tammy though I knew she would win him over. She comes to the house pulling her grooming trailer and does a wonderful job with him! I’m so glad I found her.

If we were having coffee, I would admit to you that I have been fighting my depression for several weeks now. I don’t use medications or therapy. Never have. Lately, I have been thinking maybe it’s time I sought some help. Still thinking about it as I take enough medications, I don’t want to take any more. So I fight the good fight. Some days I win, some days I don’t. Being unwell does not make it easier, but I won’t give up. I just keep smiling and moving forward.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that the husband and I had visitors last night. His brother and sister-in-law came over for about an hour or so. I have to admit I enjoyed the company as I know the husband has. We don’t see too many people anymore since the husband became disabled. I think his ‘friends’ are uncomfortable around him now, they don’t know  how to handle his pain that is very apparent, so they stay away. A shame as it’s now that he needs friendship and companionship the most. Why are people uncomfortable around a sickness? It’s not like he complains about it, he is very stoic. Just a wandering thought I would put out there between us.

If we were having coffee, I bet we would have a lot of laughs and good times. I would refresh your cup and we would enjoy our visit. Thanks for stopping in!


Blogging · Comic ~ Sam and Me · Humor · nonfiction · postaday · writing

Sam and Me Comic ~~~ Spring Winds

Good day people!

The week is almost over! Soon it will be the middle of March already! How time flies when you don’t want it to!

I do hope you enjoy my new Sam and Me comic. March has come into my area of Alberta Canada like a passive aggressive cow that’s jealous of the lambs and lions of March. The wind! The wind!

It has been pretty windy over in these parts. Today is the first day in a long while that the wind isn’t blowing poor Sam right off the porch. If he really could fly like in my comic, I think he would enjoy it more. 🙂

(c) JLPhillips 2015


I’ve been busy around here. I know you haven’t seen me around as much, but I promise it’s for a good reason. I’ve been working on the final chapter(s) of “Man in the Fedora.” Also, in April I am doing the A to Z Challenge. I think you will enjoy what I have planned for that. Stay tuned, as March 23rd is the A to Z Challenge theme reveal. My project might be a bit ambitious so I do hope we are all up to it! Or at least I hope I am!


Blog challenge · Cee's Challenges · nonfiction · postaday · writing

Share Your World – 2014 Week 16

Thank you Cee, for doing another great week of questions on Share Your World. Here are my answers to this week’s question.



How many places have you lived? You can share the number of physical residences and/or the number of cities.

Oh wow, I have lived in a lot of places, that span two countries so far.  Let’s see if I can give you a sort of list. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin (born and raised)
Southaven, Mississippi
Outside of Ft Worth, TX (don’t remember the first place)
Lake Worth, TX
Azle, TX
Springtown, TX
Ft. Worth, TX
N. Richland Hills, TX
Azle, TX
Victoria, TX
Weatherford, TX
Gainesville, TX
Nacogdoches, TX
Waco, TX
Townsend, WI
Lethbridge, AB, Canada

And I don’t think I’m done yet.

What type of music relaxes you the most?

Any music really. Depends on my mood. When I want total relaxation, I go for classical or someone like Enya to soothe my tired mind.

If you could instantly become fluent in another language, what would that language be and why?

I just have to pick one? Well, if it has to be just one, it would either be Spanish or Italian. Spanish, because it’s so prevalent nowadays. Italian because it’s so romantic to me, and I love singing groups like IL Devo, IL Volo  and the like and I would love to understand what they are singing.

If you could fly or breathe under water what would you prefer?

It would have to be to fly. I love being up in the sky, complete freedom. Fly anywhere I want to go.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful for spring finally coming to the Great White North. I saw my first robin the other day and now have been hearing it everyday sing outside my window. I’m grateful for plans coming together and for best friends.

I’m looking forward to another week being gone. For another pound being lost. For just living and being free to live. Sometimes it’s the little things in life that mean the most, an email, a chat, a loving word.





Blogging · Comic ~ Sam and Me · Humor · nonfiction · postaday

Sam and Me Comic ~~ First Day of Spring

Good day people!

Well, today is the first day of Spring here in my neck of Canada. You sure wouldn’t know it though.

It’s only 0c (32F) and snowing!!! Yes, it’s snowing here on the first day of Spring and I just want to say I am not happy about it! I want sunshine, warmth, flowers, green stuff growing!

And so does Sam.  So Sam and I decided to do a comic today showing our dislike. It was Sam’s idea, not mine, but he was insistent. You know how demanding little dogs can be. Ha-ha!

Hope you enjoy Sam’s little comic.


(c) JLPhillips 2014
(c) JLPhillips 2014


Comic ~ Sam and Me · Humor · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday

Sam and Me Comic ~~ First Sign of Spring

Here is a comic for Sam and Me. Last night we had the first sign of spring around our place. Sam wanted to go out and explore this so bad, but I wouldn’t let him. He pouted for hours. I’m pretty sure our nightly visitor wasn’t in my backyard, but I wasn’t taking chances in the dark.

(c) JLPhillips 2014
(c) JLPhillips 2014


***click picture to enlarge!