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NaPoWriMo Day 4 Poem ~~ Jealousy

Good day people!

So today is day 4 for me with NaPoWriMo. Today’s topic is also the WordPress Daily Prompt, which worked out quite well for me.  Another day of 2 challenges in one. The topic is Jealousy, that green-eyed monster.

I think we’ve all been jealous of something or someone at least once in our life. It’s one of those not so nice feelings. The key I think is to keep jealousy at a minimum. Ok, fine, let it sweep through you if you must, over that beautiful new car, home, dress, whatever someone else has and you covet.

Then let it keep going right out of you. Don’t hold it inside, don’t let it grow until you can’t see what you are. A beautiful person.

Be content with what you have and who you are. If you want something else, then work hard for it, because you’ll enjoy whatever you get that much more.

Be joyous, be content, and light and love will always be yours.



It sits upon a chair, this green-eyed monster

so please beware!

It whispers things in your ear, like a siren

its call, you must ignore.

As you gaze into the mirror, it’s not you that glances back

it’s someone else, not real I fear.

You work, you play, you live, yet satisfaction is beyond your grasp

this presence is never far and makes you feel always last.

Sad, depressed and down, you’re never happy as

in jealousy your feelings drown.

Its ugly head rears, eyes flashing, hate spewing

with utter nonsense this monster feeds your fears.

You refuse to appreciate all you have,

 gifts that nature and hard work does grant.

Wanting more, much more, needing it less

the green-eyed monster demands its pound of flesh.

Broken and bitter is what you’ll be

if you don’t banish this beast from thee.

  1. The Match (Part 4) Rusty’s Destination | The Jittery Goat
  2. Self-Defeating Beliefs
  3. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
  4. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | Bob’s Blog-O-Rama
  5. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | MedinaQue
  6. DP Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | Sabethville
  7. Daily Prompt: Green Eyed Lady | Purplesus’ Blog
  8. Dirty Envy | In the Present
  9. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady « cognitive reflection
  10. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  11. Green-Eyed Lady | The Nameless One
  12. Daily Prompt: Green-eyed Lady | imagination
  13. Green-Eyed Lady | God Through My Eyes
  14. Evil Queens & coffee beans
  15. Daily Prompt: Jealousy | A Day In The Life
  16. Reciprocal | The River Mom
  17. of wickedness | Anawnimiss
  18. Wake Up O’ Sleeping Stone | The Write Web
  19. Daily prompt: Green-eyed monster | Go, See, Live
  20. I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  21. Aces « Averil Dean
  22. NaPoWriMo Day 4: “Smitten” | arakawa fiction
  23. Bass Speaker | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  24. Daily Prompt: Green-Eyed Lady | A Note From Jenn
  25. Jealousy: Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA’S BLOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  26. Leave Me Free | Flowers and Breezes
  27. From Time To Time | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  28. How do they do it? | A mom’s blog
  29. Daily Prompt: Green Eyed Lady | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

19 thoughts on “NaPoWriMo Day 4 Poem ~~ Jealousy

  1. This poem is very well written Jackie. You explore jealousy thoroughly. I loved your concluding rhyming couplet. Jealousy can be something that consumes you and you must be wary of how that monster can impact on you.


  2. Pingback: Lovers In A Box

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