Humor · nonfiction

Do You Know What Today Is?

Why it’s Mad Hatter Day in the US (in the UK it is celebrated on June 10th)! Today silliness is being celebrated. So go grab a silly hat and put on a silly smile and laugh that silly laugh and let’s have some silly fun!


It’s been forever since I got my silly on. How about you? So I’m going to ask you to tell me…What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever done?

If you don’t want to tell me the answer to that….How about you post in the comments something truly silly. It can be a cartoon, a picture, or even a silly poem.

Let’s be silly together!

I’ll get us started…….




Why don’t you ever see hippopotamus hiding in trees? Because they’re really good at it.



There was a young lady of Lynn,
Who was so excessively thin.
That when she assayed,
To drink lemonade,
She slipped through the straw and fell in.



An ambitious young fellow named Matt,
Tried to parachute using his hat.
Folks below looked so small,
As he started to fall,
Then got bigger and bigger and SPLAT!





Now it’s your turn!






Comic ~ Sam and Me · Humor · postaday

The New Sam and Me Cartoon

Hello, People!

I do hope everyone’s weekend is going well. Have fun and be safe!

Today I wanted to do a new Sam and Me cartoon but my old place of doing the cartoons shutdown. So sad as I really liked using them. So I found a new place to make my cartoons. Let me know what you think!






As you can see, Sam, me and the cat look a bit different on this cartoon than the old one. What do you think? Better? Worse? Not too bad?




Blog challenge · Humor · nonfiction · postaday · Word Fun

Let’s Have Some Word Fun!

Hello, People!

I missed Wednesday Whatever! yesterday. I don’t know how I managed that. I wanted to do something for that but I guess I’ll wait until next Wednesday. So for today I thought we would have a little word fun. I love playing with words.

Remember when you were a kid and would do those tongue twisters? Well, I do. I thought we might have a little tongue-twisting fun today. Hope you enjoy them. Try them out!





Tongue Twisters




Betty Botter’s Better Batter


Betty Botter had some butter,
“But,” she said, “this butter’s bitter.
If I bake this bitter butter,
It would make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter,
That would make my batter better.”
So she bought a bit of butter –
Better than her bitter butter –
And she baked it in her batter;
And the batter was not bitter.
So ’twas better Betty Botter
Bought a bit of better butter.





A Two Toed Tree Toad


A tree toad loved a she-toad
Who lived up in a tree.
He was a two-toed tree toad,
But a three-toed toad was she.
The two-toed tree toad tried to win
The three-toed she toad’s heart,
For the two-toed tree toad loved the ground
That the three-toed tree toad trod.
But the two-toed tree toad tried in vain;
He couldn’t please her whim.
From her tree toad bower,
With her three-toed power,
The she-toad vetoed him. 






See’s Saw and Soar’s Seesaw


Mr. See owned a saw.
And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw.
Now, See’s saw sawed Soar’s seesaw
Before Soar saw See,
Which made Soar sore.
Had Soar seen See’s saw
Before See sawed Soar’s seesaw,
See’s saw would not have sawed
Soar’s seesaw.
So See’s saw sawed Soar’s seesaw.
But it was sad to see Soar so sore
just because See’s saw sawed
Soar’s seesaw. 









How did you like them? Do you remember any? Let me know!



Fiction · Flash Fiction · Humor · Photo Challenges · postaday · writing

Tuesday is Challenge Day!

Hello, People!

Hope everyone had a nice and safe weekend. For today’s challenge, I found a picture to write a one hundred word story about. If you want to join me, please feel free to do so!





The Punishment (102 words, I couldn’t resist the last two words. ha!)


“Come on, Ethel! Move faster!”

“I can’t! My knees are giving out.”

“If we don’t move faster, they’ll put more bricks in the box!”

“I’m doing the best I can, Ed. If you weren’t so damn argumentative we wouldn’t be in this situation!”

“I didn’t think he would be so uncivil about things.  So just keep movin’, Ethel”

“My knees are never going to be the same.”

“Could be worse, Ethel. The last man who argued with him had to clean out the sewers in nothing but his underwear.”

“Maybe this will teach you that you can’t argue with politicians.”

“Damn Trump!”







Humor · Mi Vida Loca · My Incomplete List of Small Pleasures · nonfiction · postaday

My Incomplete List of Small Pleasures ~~ June 23, 2016

I haven’t done one of these in a while, so today I thought would be a good day to do My Incomplete List of Small Pleasures.


The Incomplete



  • Friends….they make me laugh, smile, think and enjoy. I have some very good friends on here. Thank you all! ❤
  • Sunshine…’s hard to feel too down when I step outside and the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the bees are buzzing. I’m so glad I can enjoy it all.
  • Writing….it has saved my sanity. It helps me feel like I’ve accomplished something in life. Finally.
  • Music….When I’m feeling really low as I have the past few weeks since mom died, music has soothed me. I listen to it and it helps calm my soul.
  • Reading….I’ve been doing a whole lot of reading lately. If I’m not listening to music, I’m reading. I’ve been reading books that take me away for a while, that pull me into another world and let me forget about some things.
  • My dog Sam….. Most of you know how much I love this little dog. He seems to know when I need extra attention. He will even let me hug him (he hates getting hugged). At night when we first go to bed, we have this little hugging session. Then he lays as close to me as he can and lays his head on my stomach. It makes me feel better.


  • Good hearted people…… They are out there folks. After I read about all the horrible things people can do to others my heart warms when I find one that is friendly and warm-hearted.
  • The inventor of the electric fan……. Really. It’s been a bit on the warm side here this week and I have fans all over the house. Especially in my bedroom. Not only do they cool me off, they provide that necessary ‘white sound’ that I need to go to sleep. So yay, Mr. Inventor! (I would Google who invented it, but I’m lazy)
  • List posts……..Because without them, my blogging days would be even less lately. ha!





What’s your pleasures today?