Blogging · Flash Back Friday · poetry · postaday

Flashback Friday

Hello, People!

It’s been pretty warm here in my part of Alberta, Canada. Hot and dry. Plus, lots of grass fires surrounding us. Makes for a not so pleasant time outdoors, I can tell you. We had Canada Day on the first of July and I know the US is having their Independence Day celebrations this weekend. Happy fourth of July you guys!

Just please, be careful out there if you are traveling, camping or shooting off fireworks. We don’t want anyone hurt or worse. Also, if you have pets, please keep them safe and secure as this is a very frightening time for them with all the loud noises.

So, because it’s so warm and dry here I thought I would bring back a poem I wrote a few years ago. It remains one of my most popular poems as far as views go. Hope you enjoy!

Have a wonderful weekend no matter where you are at!



Rain Flowers

Spring brings soft rain
winter ends its pain
flowers in glorious color
stand tall and reign

New green grass grows
rain never slows
it’s refreshing drink is savored
only a matter of time I know

Soon color to the land will come
flowers, shrubs, gardens, so awesome
Windows opened wide, no longer
will I be sunk in winter’s boredom

I rejoice in rain clouds in the skies
as birds compete on current highs
Leaves show green on the trees
as if they’ve been brushed with dyes

So let it rain, let it pour all day
I will no longer be winters prey
Gray and gloomy it might be
soon rain flowers will gently sway



Blogging · Humor · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · poetry · postaday · writing

A Rainy Day Poem

Hello People!

Hope everyone is having a great week! Today I decided to write a rainy day poem, as today is about the sixth day in a row that we have had rain in my part of Alberta Canada. My front yard has a new pool! But I didn’t put it there. Mother Nature decided me and Sam needed one and has so generously added one there. So kind of her, don’t you think?

We are supposed to get a couple more days of cool rainy weather. Anyone have a wetsuit I can borrow? Ha! Then it is supposed to get hot and sunny. Oh joy!





Rain, rain go away

The children’s poem does say

I don’t need a pool

So please stop playing the fool

Leave some moisture for other times

And I’ll leave off writing the rhymes

I don’t mind those rare cozy rainy days

As I sip my coffee and gaze

Upon the drops coming from the skies

I just sit back and sigh

Now, though it feels like I’m drowning

While my old bones are chilling

I need some sunshine please

Mother Nature stop being such a tease

Give me what I need

With all due haste I plead





Blog challenge · Fiction · NaPoWriMo · poetry · postaday · writing

NaPoWriMo Poem Day 18 ~~ Rain Flowers



Rain Flowers

Spring brings soft rain
winter ends its pain
flowers in glorious color
stand tall and reign

New green grass grows
rain never slows
it’s refreshing drink is savored
only a matter of time I know

Soon color to the land will come
flowers, shrubs, gardens, so awesome
Windows opened wide, no longer
will I be sunk in winter’s boredom

I rejoice in rain clouds in the skies
as birds compete on current highs
Leaves show green on the trees
as if they’ve been brushed with dyes

So let it rain, let it pour all day
I will no longer be winters prey
Gray and gloomy it might be
soon rain flowers will gently sway

This poem is called a rubaiyat. It’s from today’s prompt from the NaPoWriMo website

Today they challenge you to write a ruba’i. What’s that? Well, it’s a Persian form — multipe stanzas in the ruba’i form is a rubaiyat, as in The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Basically, a ruba’i is a four-line stanza, with a rhyme scheme of AABA. Robert Frost’s famous poem Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening uses this rhyme scheme. You can write a poem composed of one ruba’i, or try your hand at more, for a rubaiyat.


Blog challenge · Blogging · Cee's Challenges · nonfiction · postaday · writing

Share Your World – 2014 Week 8

Cee’s Photography blog has a weekly thing going. She gives you 4 random questions to answer on your blog. Her questions are always fun. This week’s questions are below with my answers. Come play along if you wish!

Just click on Cee’s name above and see what it’s all about!


Would you rather be given $10,000 for your own use or $100,000 to give anonymously to strangers?

Now $10,000 would be great to have. I could find a use for it for sure. But, to have $100,000 to give away? That would be fun! I know of a couple of people who could sure use some help right now. If I had to give away to absolute strangers, I could do that too. Go to homeless shelters and find a woman with young kids, or a young family that needs some help. Find them a nice place to live, maybe give them enough groceries to last a while. Help them get nice clothes to go for job interviews. Pay for babysitting so the parents can go out and look for work. Help them get their dignity and pride back.  There are so many needy families out there to help. I would also give some to my no kill animal shelter, so they wouldn’t have to worry about food, vet care or other things, while they find homes for all the animals. Hmm, I’m thinking I would need a bit more than $100,000 to do what I want to do. But it’s a start!

When you’re 90 years old, what will matter most to you?

What will matter most? Seeing I reach 91! Ha-ha! Seriously, I have no idea, when I get there I will let you know. I think my first thought would be, I hope I’m not in a home somewhere. Or if I am it’s a good one. I hope that my mind is still clear. I’m not real worried about that one, as many of my family have lived well into their 90’s with their minds intact. My mother is 84 and sharp as a tack. Not much you get over mom. My health will probably matter most.

Candy factories of the entire world have become one and will now be making only one kind of candy. Which kind, if you were calling the shots?

I am a diabetic. And do you know sugarless candy usually sucks and not in a good way?? Not to mention if eaten too much, you will live in the bathroom for the next 24 – 48 hours?? Truth! I tried some  candy that was sugar-free when I first became diabetic. Not my greatest idea. I mean, really, who can eat just one piece of candy? They tasted great! So I was working away and eating a piece here and there thinking nothing of it. A couple of hours later, my hell began. It’s the best tasting colon cleansing stuff out  there! Enough said about that! So now, for the most part I stay away from candy. If I do need a piece because the cravings are too bad I have a regular piece and call it good. My favorites? Peanut M & M’s.

So, you’re on your way out and it’s raining. Do you know where your umbrella is or do you frantically search for it all over your apartment/house?

I own an umbrella??  If I do, it’s news to me. Ok, I admit, I don’t own an umbrella. Sometimes I wish I did and every time I have to take Sam out in the rain, I tell myself to get one. Sam won’t go out to potty in the rain unless I go out with him. Yeah, he figures if he has to get wet, so do I.  I do have a fenced yard. But he refuses to go out the door when it’s raining. Unless I go to. So I do. Because it’s better than the alternative. Not that Sam potties in the house, he doesn’t. He has a bladder of steel. I just hate to see the little guy in misery because it’s been raining all day. And what’s a little rain water? When it’s warm, it’s even fun. Brings the kid out in me.

So what would your answers be? 

Blog challenge · Blogging · Daily Prompt · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday · writing

Daily Prompt: Singin’ in the Rain

Safe inside, toasty warm, while water pitter-patters on the roof… describe your perfect, rainy afternoon

This is the daily prompt for today. I love rain. Rain showers, thunderstorms, gentle rain, the kind of rain that sounds like a waterfall is flowing over your house. I just love rain.

via Tumblr
Via Tumblr

I remember when I was young and the warm summer rains. The kids in the neighborhood would come out and play and dance in the rain. I would go off by myself and lift my face and arms to the rain and laugh with joy.  The perfect rainy day in my youth.

Then there were the rainy days as I grew older. My days were chaotic and full of darkness and pain.  On rainy days I would sit and watch the drops through my window. Those rainy days gave me peace and a feeling of being cleansed of the pain in my soul. I never saw them as dark or dreary. They were full of life and the pureness of a new beginning. They were healing rains.

Copywrite Randy Olson
Copyright Randy Olson

Then there is my favorite kind of rains. The thunderstorms. Wild, exciting, heart pumping storms. These make me feel energized, full of power and promise. The more wild the storm the more assured and positive I become. I love them! These storms I watched from inside my home with eyes wide open in excitement, breath held in awe of the beauty. These days are perfect days for me.

Of course I can’t forget the nourishing gentle rain. The kind that lasts all day but is always gentle and soft. I love to walk in this rain down country pathways. Slowly getting soaked from its caressing drops. I smile even as the rain drops mix with my tears. These rains softly rinse my heart and soul from all my worries and stress. I walk out of these rains with a renewed sense of myself. A feeling of ‘everything will be all right’ sets in my heart and I smile after the tears.

After the rains come the rainbow. A joy to behold. It shows me that the rain is full of color and hope. I say farewell to the rains at this time, till we meet again and I can dance, sing, walk, cry and smile with your drops on my skin. That is a perfect ending to any rainy day.