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Friday Fictioneers ~~ April 19

Even though it’s Thursday I would like to say….. Welcome to Friday Fictioneers! Yes, another week has come and gone and I’ve been so busy and so frustrated I will be glad to see this week done with. Unfortunately next week looks pretty much the same for me. Ah well, this too shall pass.

I’m just glad to bring you another flash fiction story for your reading pleasure!



Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and an end. (No one will be ostracized for going over or under the word count.)


Make every word count.

If you would like to join us, please go to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields blog and read about the few rules to follow. If you want to just read what the other great writers have written about this picture then you too must go to Rochelle’s page and scroll down till you come to the cute little blue guy and click on him. He will take you to some wonderful stories!

Copyright-Janet Webb
Copyright-Janet Webb



Genre/General Fiction (100 words)

Sue sat on a log close to the shore line. Reaching down to pick up a few stones to cast into the water, she spotted the wasp nest. Her hand hesitated , then picked it up gently. She gazed with tears shimmering.

The nest reminded her of  life, fragile looking, yet strong beyond belief. She had dealt with many things. Cried, laughed, touched, felt many emotions. She had both mourned and celebrated occasions in the past.

As she would deal with another, alone yet strong like the nest she held in her palm. A lone tear fell.

She was determined.

Cancer would not win!

34 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers ~~ April 19

  1. Good for her, Jackie. As someone who’s married to someone who’s dealt with and is dealing with the cloud that is cancer, I can appreciate this. But I hope she finds someone who can be there for her in various ways.



    1. Maddie!!! Great minds lady, as I was thinking about you and sent you an email!
      I know all too well how tears and determination go together. 🙂


  2. This has such a huge significance to me. I have lost my brother, father and mother to Cancer and I fear we may be facing another cancer battle soon with a close family member.


    1. I’m so sorry Joe. I too have faced cancer, it took my father about 8 years ago. My mother has had it twice and I had it once. So I understand the fight. May light and love be with you and yours.


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