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Daily Prompt: Reading Material

Daily Prompt: Reading Material

How do you pick what blogs or books to read? What’s the one thing that will get you to pick up a book or click on a link every single time?


It surprised me that I had to think hard on this prompt. I’ve been reading books for so many years that I don’t even think about how I go about choosing them from the bazillion books out there.

As I sat and thought about the books I read, I found out that I’m an eclectic reader. I will try out new authors and new genres, if they grab my attention. The first few paragraphs are so important to any writer. That is where you will grab your reader by the throat and yell in their face, BUY ME, READ ME!

There are also times that I will just read the blurb of a book. If it doesn’t sound interesting, I will pass on it. Most times I will pass on it. I will have to admit there have been a few times I read the book anyway, even if the blurb or first few paragraphs didn’t interest me. There have been a few times I’m glad I did as the story drew me in and at the end I was sorry it had ended. Granted, these kind of books have been few and far between.

I also have my favorite authors that I read when they have new titles out. For the most part I enjoy mystery, suspense, crime dramas, some fantasy, paranormal and almost everything in between. Okay, maybe it would be easier and less time-consuming to say which types of books I don’t read.

************ um, Hmmm, well damn. That list was short.

I started reading at a young age. Around 4 I believe. As I grew older I would read my dad’s books which were Westerns. Louis L’Amour to be exact. My dad loved his westerns. Then when I was able to go to the local library or the library in my school my reading evolved. I could be found reading anything. I remember finding books by Mary Norton called ‘The Borrowers’. I devoured the whole series within weeks.

Then as I got a little older I found Charlotte Bronte, Lewis Carroll and many other authors which I still love today.

I even managed to read through every single book in my school library that they had on mythology. Then in my teenage years I found the world of Romance. I spent my allowance on romance novels. Then Regency romance, than poetry, then, well you see what I mean by eclectic. I read everything! I just loved to read, period.

Right now I’m more into the mystery/suspense books. I love to see if I can figure things out before I get to the end.

As for blog reading. I pick those for several reasons. I will choose what blogs I read or follow if they interest me. I follow several humor blogs. They make me laugh, smile and feel good. I love humor blogs. I am jealous that it seems so effortless what they do. They write funny stuff. I just can’t seem to write funny, but I love reading it.

Some I follow because they make me feel things. I follow several on domestic abuse and how they managed to leave their abusers and become independent. As a survivor of domestic abuse I cheer for them, I cry, I get angry and want to reach out and hug them. They make me feel less alone. They make me feel. If I can help them in some way I try to do that.  Even if all I can do is give virtual hugs.

Others I follow because they are just great writers. I love reading their stories, poems or whatever they write. I love to cheer them on as they follow a path to published author. They give me hope for myself and they show me how good writers write.

Of course I do have some favorite bloggers. Who doesn’t? I have found some wonderful friendships in this blogging world. A few have carried over into personal friendships where we email and talk about everyday life. I love my friends. They keep me sane. You know who you are. 😉

5 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Reading Material

  1. Hi Jackie! I love your new look. The background is really pretty.

    I’m not surprised you’ve read so many books – and have such varied interests. You deserve a blogger medal (better than an award), because you are one of the most supportive bloggers here at WordPress. It has certainly been a joy to get to know you.

    And speaking of books … I’ll be sending you a file no later than this coming Sunday. That’s my cutoff date for editing, and I want you to have a copy right away. 🙂


    1. Oh oh oh!!!! I’m wiggling in my chair with excitement!! Oh yeah, Hi Maddie!!! hahaha. We are so connected my friend, I just sent you off a massive email! Boy are you in for it. 🙂 I will be looking forward to that file lady! Can’t wait! Big goofy hugs!


  2. I love reading too, but mostly have time late at night so I find myself reading into the early morning hours…just now mostly into mysteries. I guess I’ve always wanted to write one…but not even close as I’ve ended up with poetry and stories. You on the other hand are much closer to that kind of a goal 🙂 Hugs!


    1. Thanks tiny. But unlike you I stink at poetry. You write beautiful stuff. So maybe we are just doing what we should be. 🙂


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