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Share Your World – 2014 Week 12

Cee over at Cee’s Photography has a weekly Share Your World challenge where she asks 4 questions and you answer them. I enjoy doing them as it’s a great way to get to know the person behind the blogger.

Why not come and join us?

So here is this week’s questions and my answers.



What is your most favorite smell/scent?

This one is easy. Lemon! I’ve mentioned several times in other posts that I love the smell of lemons. It’s always so clean and crisp.  I do like other scents of course, Roses, lavender, a smell of a new book. But lemon is the #1 smell for me.

How do you write: computer, longhand, or other?

All of the above. I write most of my stories and posts on the computer. But I also keep notes in a notebook on my desk in longhand. I write letters in longhand. I also write sometimes in what I call Jackie hand as it’s my own kind of shorthand. It works for me.

(photo credit: Thinkstock)
(photo credit: Thinkstock)


Your favorite blog post that you have written? (add link)

This one was a tough one. I’ve written a lot of posts. As for my favorite? It will have to be this one:

Daily Prompt: Comedy of Errors

It’s a very funny TRUE story. It’s hard to make this stuff up folks.

What’s one of your favorite books from childhood?

I was taught to read at an early age, around 4 I think it was. Since then I have been an avid and voracious reader. So when I was about 10 or so I used to haunt the local library and found the book by Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre. I fell in love with that book! To this day, it’s my favorite book as I think it has everything in it. Mystery, drama, horror, love and everything in between.

jane eyre book cover

My other favorites at that time was the series “The Borrowers” by Mary Norton.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

From last week I was grateful for my dog groomer Tammy, who comes out to the house with her little grooming trailer to groom Sam. Ever since I found her Sam has been calmer in getting groomed and it’s less stressful on me. I’m also grateful that Spring came, even if you wouldn’t know it around here with the snow and the -6C weather today.

I’m looking forward to warmer weather promised. Also, communications from good friends. I look forward to even better days ahead. Who could ask for more?




30 thoughts on “Share Your World – 2014 Week 12

  1. I’ll have to catch the grocery store story when I get home, but awesome list. I do like lemon, but not quite as strong as fresh lemon (more like lemon pie maybe!) 😀


  2. Lemons are essential in so much of our lives so I guess its good for them to be as important as you find them, for me probably the frangerpanni (sp) smells good to me. Computers work for me as my handwriting is all but illegible, book from childhood was a ‘A High Wind to Jamaica’ the first novel think I was given in primary school as a Christmas present.
    I think it is good to have things to be grateful for, the ability to string a few words together to make some sense is something I am thankful for and my best friend who keeps me focused and reminds me that life does change for the better.


    1. Hello Michael! Lemons are essential! I agree! Hmm I’m not sure if I’ve ever smelled frangerpanni. Is it floral? fruit?
      Best friends are pretty special that way. Mine is too. Thanks for commenting!


  3. Lemon is a great scent! It’s cool that you’ve developed your own shorthand. I’ve never been able to do that. I’ve tried and always get caught up in which letters to leave out and then it ends up taking longer than actually writing the whole word. 🙂


    1. I’ve been doing my shorthand version for a lot of years. That’s the only reason I’m any good at it. haha! Thanks for stopping by and reading! 🙂


  4. Nice list. I love the smell of lemon in most everything. Vanilla and coconut run a good second and third. I bathe in both.. Don’t remember much from childhood but the Donna Parker, Trixie Belden, and the Five Little Peppers are some that I remember. I write both ways, computer and paper. Even have a lighted pen for night time writing. This is fun to learn more about you and the others following. I’m going to catch up one day.:(


  5. I could never get on with “classic books” during childhood – we read them at school and we had to pull them apart and analyse them so much it took the fun out of it.


  6. I love the smell of lemon as well, Jackie, followed closely by fresh passion-fruit 😀

    And I also have Dianne (Jackie) hand where only I can understand what I’ve written (most of the time) 😉


  7. Mm, lemon — great choice!

    Your story about the little old lady is absolutely perfect. Makes you eager to get that old so you can do those kinds of things, right? 🙂

    I didn’t read Jane Eyre until senior year of high school, and really enjoyed it. I’m not sure I think their relationship is particularly healthy, but it’s very well written and deliciously gothic.

    Here’s my first SYW entry! Have a great week, Jackie.


    1. Thank you Amy. The little old lady always makes me laugh. One day I will be there and I’ll be a terror. 😉

      I will read your entry soon. Thanks again.


  8. I came over from Susie’s party and so glad I did! LOVED your story about shopping on senior discount day. How did that sex change work out for you?


    1. LOL, it was a failure. Still a woman. hahaha. She is a lovely old lady really….but it was funny.
      Thanks for stopping by! I will have to visit you and I shall!


  9. This is a great list and now I know you a little bit better!
    Thanks for bringing it to the party! I’m so glad you stopped by. Have fun clicking on links and saying hello. Tell them, “Susie sent me,” and they should click back here!


  10. Jackie, I have to agree with the love of lemon. It always smells so yummy! I have recently started to write longhand in a journal/notebook for poetry, but writing poetry is a new experience for me, so I guess I’ll just have to see where it goes. But, I’m definitely with you on writing letters longhand. In fact, I just finished a 9 page one last night to a friend in California. Glad you came to Susie’s party! 🙂


    1. Thank you so much! Longhand is being almost forgotten I think. I keep journals too, and write them longhand. So glad you stopped in. 🙂


  11. Every week you seem to be more I interesting. In kindergarten we had a book who got up and read the New York Times by the eighth grade he wasn’t any smarter than the rest of us. After second grade I went to another school that closed when I was in the seventh grade. I was so disappointed in Charles.


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