Blog challenge · Mi Vida Loca · Monday Meeting · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · nonfiction · postaday

Monday Meeting ~~ November 30, 2015

Hello, People!

Well, I really did mess up my 30 days of posting this weekend. I mean it was messed up before, but since I didn’t post at all this weekend that pretty much blew it out of the water. Ah well, hopefully, next year there isn’t so much going on. I could do with some boring stuff for a while.

Monday Meeting


Sit a spell, grab a beverage and I’ll get this meeting going.

On the husband front. He came home from the hospital this morning. He wanted to come home Friday, but they wouldn’t let him out as he was still passing a lot of blood. That seemed to clear up over the weekend, thank goodness. So right now he’s in his own bed, surrounded by his cats and sleeping. Nice to have him home again.

I think he was on the edge of running off last night. He was tired of hospital life and wanted to come home. I was glad he got the doctors approval, otherwise, I think he would have made an escape. 😉

He has a follow-up doctor appointment in a couple of weeks. Now that he’s home, he’ll heal that much faster.

As for me, I took yesterday completely off. Didn’t leave the house, didn’t do anything but try to relax. I was so tired and wore out that I just couldn’t get motivated to do anything. I needed a day off. So I took it. I just lazed around and relaxed. Goodness, I haven’t done that in ages. Felt good.

Now it’s back to the grindstone. I need to get writing again. I miss it. I need to start my next book in the DeeDee Watson, PI series. It’s been brewing in my head for a long time now. Time to get it out.

I also want to write some short stories and more flash fiction on my blog. So, we shall see where that goes.

That’s about it. Short and sweet. I didn’t want to keep you long. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that their Friday afterward wasn’t too crazy. Wouldn’t catch me shopping on that day! I have always stayed home where it was safe. Not always sane, but safe. ha!

Have a great week!



What do YOU do to relax?




Blog challenge · Mi Vida Loca · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

Update and a Reminder!

Hello, People.

It’s been a very busy and stressful last couple of days for me. Whew! Yesterday morning the husband had his colon operation. They started at 9 am and he didn’t get into his hospital room until 3 pm. It was a long day of waiting. I went to see him yesterday afternoon and he was still pretty groggy and out of it. I wasn’t able to talk to the doctor, but the nurses said he was doing well. His son and I only stayed for a short while. Just to assure us he was ok, then we left and let him have his rest.


I was there again bright and early this morning. He looked good but was in pain (of course). He told me the doctor had been in to see him around 5 am this morning. That’s when I found out the reason for the surgery taking so long yesterday. Seems they closed him up after the surgery but couldn’t stop the bleeding. His blood pressure went down to 50/30. They had to give him a transfusion and get him stable before he could go to the recovery room.

Last night and this morning he was still bleeding internally. They are monitoring him and if it keeps up through today the doctor told him they will take him back to surgery, reopen  him up and try to repair it so he stops bleeding. Seems sometimes the body will stop it itself but if not he goes back in. Always seems to be another road block for him.

He was in good spirits this morning. His color was good and he was joking around, so that helps. I think he was just relieved it was over with, or almost. As for the cancerous tumor, it’s all gone along with 1/3 of his colon. They didn’t find any more masses or tumors when they operated, so there is good news too.

As for me. I’m tired but less stressed knowing he will be ok. At least I’m pretty sure he will be ok.

Thanks for all the warm thoughts. It does help. I do hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving tomorrow will have a wonderful day!


Don’t forget that both my books are on sale on Amazon!




Blog challenge · Mi Vida Loca · Monday Meeting · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

Monday Meeting ~ November 23, 2015

Well, look at this! I’m actually having a Monday Meeting on a Monday. Hope you can join me.


Monday Meeting


Hello and thank you for reading. I have a few things to catch you up on today. So, let’s start shall we.

First on the husband front. His colon surgery is tomorrow morning at 9 am. He has to be at the hospital at 6:30 am for check in and pre-op. So, if you don’t see a post from me tomorrow that will be the reason why. Of course, if I was smart I would schedule a post to happen tomorrow, but not sure I’m that smart or ambitious. Ha! I might do a quick post just to let you guys know how he is doing.

He’ll be in the hospital for about 3 to 7 days, depending on how he does. He’s just glad to finally get it over with. Also, during his other pre-op tests last week they found he had some major blockage in his carotid artery on the right side of his neck. Plaque buildup they told us, which could lead to a stroke. Sigh. At least they found it BEFORE he has a stroke. They told us that they will be extra vigilant during the operation and that he can have it dealt with afterward. Meaning, he will be on cholesterol pills and they might have to operate on his artery to clear the blockage. We will face this further bad news later on. Let’s deal with the cancer first.

Poor man, he will be paranoid about tests if this keeps up. I told him, at least they are finding these things out before anything major happens, so it’s a good thing. Please keep him in your thoughts people. All the positive energy helps. Thank you.

A tiny bit of good news. I’ve lost some weight! Yay me. With all the worry, stress, and running around the hospital I’ve managed to lose a few pounds. Now I just need to keep going. Without the worry and stress, though. So I’m not the one having the stroke. My blood pressure is still high and that has me worried too, which doesn’t help. Always something around here with us old folk.




On the book front. I am being super optimistic about the success of the husbands operation and beating cancer that I have scheduled a sale on BOTH my books this week to celebrate. The first book, The Canine Caper will be for FREE on November 25 – 26th! The second book, A Case of Deceit will also be on sale starting November 24th until the 27th. For the first 18 hrs the book will be for 99 cents, then every 18 hrs the price will go up until it hits the regular price. So grab it early for the best price!

Either book (or better yet, both books together) would make a great Christmas gift for any reader in your family! The second book, A Case of Deceit is also available in paperback from CreateSpace, which you can click on through Amazon.

I do hope everyone has an amazing week. See you next time!





Blog challenge · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · nonfiction · postaday

Unusual Facts About November 21st

Hello, People!

Today I thought we’d have a little fun and list some unusual or relatively unknown facts about today, November 21st. I love stuff like this. Plus, hey, we all need our heads full of mostly useless information sometimes. 😉

So, on this day here are some little-known facts about this day in history or other foolishness just for the heck of it…….




  • 1794 – Honolulu Harbor discovered
  • National Adoption Day – a number of courts and communities in the United States come together to finalize thousands of adoptions of children from foster care. More than 300 events are held each year on the Saturday before Thanksgiving in November, in all 50 US states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico to finalize the adoptions of children in foster care. In total, more than 40,000 children have been adopted from foster care on National Adoption Day.
  • 1922 – Rebecca L. Felton of Georgia was sworn in as the first woman to serve as a member of the U.S. Senate.
  • 1934 – The New York Yankees purchased the contract of Joe DiMaggio from San Francisco of the Pacific Coast League.
  • 1942 – The Alaska Highway across Canada was formally opened.
  • 1960 – George Harrison was deported from Germany for being too young to perform there with the Beatles.
  • World Hello Day – It is really easy to participate in World Hello Day. Simply, say hello to at least 10 people today.




Of course, I can’t forget…..

  • International Label Day – International Label Day is celebrated November 21st. This holiday celebrates the beauty of the words we choose to let shape us, the subcultures that we are proud to be part of, and the surprising meaning of the labels we all choose for ourselves!

My favorite dino Rara is going to have something going on for this particular holiday…..why not take a look over there and say Jackie sent you!



Have a wonderful weekend! What’s YOUR favorite holiday? 



Blog challenge · Mi Vida Loca · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · nonfiction · postaday

Thankful Thursday

Several blogs have some kind of thankful Thursday posts going on. Like over here at Bipolar Calico. My friend Kat has been going through some pretty rough patches in life lately and yet she still manages to find something to be thankful for. I think that’s wonderful and shows just what a good person she truly is.

I decided to jump onboard. Even though things here have been unreasonably stressful I still have things I’m thankful for. It’s good to find those things. Even if they are small, as it reminds us that  though the skies are grey and there are so many terrible things happening in the world we all still have things to be thankful for.

Find your thankfuls in life and cling to them…..That’s what I’m doing.




I’m thankful for:

  • Thoughtful doctors who really seem to care about their patients
  • Good friends, even though they are far away they send me strength and love and I truly appreciate it
  • My dog Sam, he loves me unconditionally, even if I don’t have treats for him
  • My mom, someone I never thought I would be close to and now I am, she’s a strong woman who inspires me to be strong
  • Coffee……more coffee…..a life saver
  • My computer and the ability to have it… keeps me sane in an insane world
  • Sunshine, it warms these old bones on the coldest of days
  • My stubbornness, it keeps me moving when I don’t want to, it keeps me up when I want to just curl up in a fetal position and cry
  • Words, they let me express what I’m feeling and get it out
  • Little heaters, whoever invented these small portable heaters I give thanks because my bedroom is a freezer without one
  • Books, as they let me escape into different worlds and become someone else for a while


That’s just some of what I’m thankful for. There is one more thing….YOU….yes, I’m thankful for you reading my blog and being here.




What’s one thing you are thankful for today?





Blog challenge · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · nonfiction · postaday

Sending Light and Love

Earlier today I was wracking my brain to try to figure out what to post. Then I got a call to arms from my favorite dinosaur...Rara. She wanted us to spread some kindness today, so here I am, trying to spread a little love and light.

Help yourself to all you need. There is a never-ending supply……












In these dark and troubled times it’s easy to forget how to be kind. Don’t. Don’t ever forget. We need kindness now more than ever. Hate is not the way to go. We get what we put out there. I firmly believe that. So I choose to give out light and love….to each and every one of you and beyond.


Blog challenge · Mi Vida Loca · Monday Meeting · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

Monday Meeting ~~ Isn’t This Monday?

Hello, People!

Monday Meeting


Yes, once again I’m having my Monday Meeting on a Tuesday. If anyone noticed, which I doubt anyone did, I didn’t do a post at all yesterday. Damn there went my perfect posting month. I’m afraid there will be a few more missing days before the end of this month. I’m ok with it. More important things are going on.

So grab a comfy chair, your favorite drink and lend an ear or in this case, eyes.

As many of you know the husband has colon cancer. The doctors are moving fast on this, which is a good thing. His surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday, the 24th of November. I believe that’s about a month from diagnosis to surgery. There is a lot of things for him and I to do before his surgery, mostly him. I’m just there to help remember things and keep him on time. We’ve spent more time at the hospital these last few weeks then we’ve spent in the last fifteen years. One thing I have noticed…they have the most uncomfortable chairs my sorry butt has ever sat on! It’s a lot of hurry up and waiting.

Yesterday was one of those days. We didn’t know until Friday afternoon that he had to be at the hospital on Monday morning for pre-op. What they told me on the phone was he had a couple of people to see, one doctor and the anesthesiologist. Wouldn’t take long at all. I wonder if that is hospital talk for ‘it will take hours and hours’. Ha! Because that is what it did.

We got there in good time, got registered, was sent for him to have an EKG done. Wasn’t expecting that. Off we go to the other side of the hospital. That tech after she is done, sends us off to finally talk to the first doctor, which I’m still not sure why, but hey, who am I to question it. He asked dozens of questions, wrote down all the meds the husband was on and listened to his breathing. That took about thirty minutes. He said to wait where we were, a nurse was going to come in and explain some things and ask some more questions. Ok, more questions, what more could they ask?

The friendly nurse comes in with a handful of brochures and sheets of paper. She asks thousands of questions, again writes down his meds, explains all the procedures to us and kept calling the husband ‘sir’. I would just smile every time he winced at her ‘sirs’. I almost laughed when she lectured him about what a good wife and helper I was and not for him to take advantage of me in the coming weeks. Hahaha. I loved that. He thought it was funny, so no harm done.

Then it was time for the anesthesiologist to come talk to us. Very nice woman. Told us what she would be doing, asked a million questions, listened to his lungs and heart and said something about his carotid artery in his neck on right side. Hmmmm. She said she wasn’t happy with how it sounded? Felt? She says she thinks there is plaque in the artery and since she didn’t want the husband to have a stroke while under for the operation she wants it checked out. So she finishes and we were told to wait as they wanted blood samples. We wait a few minutes and the woman who draws blood comes in with her mobile blood-letting machine and takes a huge vial of blood from him. Alright! Maybe we are done now? We’ve been in the hospital for several hours by now.

Um, no we aren’t done…..

Told to go back upstairs and get an x-ray done of his lungs. The doctor wanted another one, so off we go. So far we have been from one side of the hospital to the other. Now we are going back to the other side. Poor husband is groaning in pain from his back. I’m tired and my legs are about to give out and the husbands son, who was kind enough to take us to the hospital that morning has been waiting for us for several hours by now. But we aren’t done yet…..

They call up to x-ray and tell us that we are to come back downstairs when we are done. What? Again? Argggg……

We go back downstairs for two things. They decided they want the husband to do a breathing test for his lungs. Also, the anesthesiologist wants him to have a sonogram done on this carotid artery so they are calling the radiologists to get that set up. Holy tests, Batman!

Finally, he is done for the day. The sonogram is set up for Friday morning, early. We go home and collapse. Whew, what a process!

I am glad they are so through, less chance of anything going wrong. It is very tiring though. Now, the husband just wants it over with. Don’t say I blame him. Anyway, that’s why there was no post writting yesterday. I was wore out and my mind was a disaster area. That’s also why there will be a few more posts missing next week. I’ll be at the hospital visiting a hurting hubby.

On other news…my mother got her birthday package of cards and gifts and was so happy! Thank you once again for all of you that sent her something. She says she is happily organizing all the recipes and already has a few marked to try right away. She told me that the day the package came, her home care nurse was there when she opened it. They both thought it was a really nice idea and was amazed how many cards she got and from so many places. 🙂

Now, I’m going to rest for a while and see if there is any chance in hell of catching up with everyone else’s blogs. See you!




Blog challenge · Comic ~ Sam and Me · Humor · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · postaday

Sam and Me Comic

Hello people!

I do hope your weekend has gone well. With our crazy weather, we’ve been having recently (last week snow, today it’s 14C/58F), I’ve decided to do a Sam and Me comic about it. I haven’t done one in a while so why not….




How’s the weather where you are at?




Blog challenge · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · nonfiction · postaday

Nano Poblano ~ NaBloPoMo ~~ Day 14

Yesterday was a tragic day in Paris and my heart goes out to the people there. Many others are posting about it and so I leave it in their capable hands. My heart aches for all the needless, senseless violence in the world today. I send light and love to them all.

So that being said, I’m going to do something that is a bit strange. I do a lot of research for my books and sometimes it takes me to strange places on the internet. If anyone ever reads my browsing history they would shake their heads and wonder if they should be worried about me. Sometimes in that research I get sidetracked by things that interest me personally. Like haunted places. Many of you know I do believe in spirits, ghosts, things that go bump in the night.

I was raised in a haunted house. I’ve lived in several other haunted houses. They fascinate me. So I’m going to take you on a tour of haunted places…..yeah, I know you are probably saying “Jackie, you should have done this for Halloween!” I was a bit busy at that time doing the final edits on my book, A Case of Deceit, so I’m a bit late. I think you may still find this post interesting. At least I hope so.

Let’s start the tour…….


Banff Springs Hotel, Alberta, Canada

Banff Springs Hotel

The Banff Springs hotel in Alberta Canada, was built over 125 years ago by the Canadian Pacific Railway, as a luxury stop off point for train travelers. Don’t let its picturesque surroundings fool you though, it’s rumoured to be one of the most haunted in the country.

Terrifying reports include the sighting of a bride who fell down the staircase breaking her neck after panicking when her dress caught fire. Her apparition has been seen on the staircase and in the ballroom dancing, with many reporting the flames from the back of her dress.

The main story that is told by locals is that of the family that was murdered in room 873. The door to this room has since been bricked up, but the family that lost their life in this room are still seen to this day, often in the hallway outside the room.

Perhaps the most popular of all the reports is the former bellman, Sam Macauley. He served at the hotel during the 60’s and 70’s, and is still seen to this day. He likes to help guests up to their rooms, dressed in his 60’s uniform, often turning on lights and opening locked doors. If you try and make conversation or tip Sam, he vanishes.



Island of the Dolls, Mexico

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, the Island of the Dolls is downright creepy. Image by Esparta Palma/CC-BY-2.0Whether you believe in ghosts or not, the Island of the Dolls is downright creepy. Image by Esparta Palma/CC-BY-2.0

Just south of Mexico City, the uninhabited Island of the Dolls ( has a sad history mixed with creepy phenomena. The legend is that a girl drowned in a canal surrounding the island and sometime later, dolls began to wash ashore on the island. Julian, the island’s only inhabitant and caretaker for some 50 years, hung the dolls from the trees to please her spirit but was later found drowned in the same spot as the girl. The island is now a tourist attraction with people bringing dolls to hang in order to appease the spirits. The creepiness of the island no doubt adds to the hyperbole of reports claiming the dolls sometimes move their heads and arms, open their eyes or whisper to each other.

Read more:


Pioneer Park



Colorado’s most famous spooky spot is the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, which inspired the Stephen King novel “The Shining.” But the snowy ski town of Aspen has its share of things that go bump in the night.

Pioneer Park, or the Henry Webber House, is one of the few old structures left in Aspen. It was built in the 1880s and is supposedly haunted by the wife of the builder, Henry Webber. According to theAspen Times, Harriet Webber died suddenly in 1881, only a year after the couple arrived in the then-mining town and set up a shoe business. Harriet’s last words were allegedly, “Henry will know,” spurring rumors that her death was a murder or a suicide. In fact, she died of strychnine overdose, which doesn’t rule out the possibility of an accident: The poison was sold as an over-the-counter anxiety cure at the time. Henry Webber went on to marry his wife’s niece — with whom he may have been having an affair — a mere four months later. (Photo Credit: National Park Service)



Bourbon Orleans Hotel (New Orleans, LA)

10 of the WorldΓÇÖs Most Haunted Hotels-7a

New Orleans is home to voodoo and mystery, and this is the hotel you’ll want to stay in if you’ve got a yen for the Creole paranormal.

10 of the WorldΓÇÖs Most Haunted Hotels-7b

The hotel itself features beautiful period pieces, as well as a number of different ghosts, from a confederate soldier to a little girl chasing a red ball.
