Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

My Christmas Time Story of Goodwill

My story starts this past Thursday afternoon. I went into the extra bedroom, which is called the ‘Cats Room’, as they have taken it over, to clean the cat box for the day. As soon as I walked in, I heard running water. Oh crap!

The hot water heater is also in the room in a tiny little closet made just for it. I looked inside and what did my wondering eyes see? A water fountain! The pipe leading from the outside source of fresh water had sprung a leak and water was literally pouring in!

The carpet was soaked a good ways into the room, who knows how long it had been leaking. Oh crap!

I yelled out to the husband, “We got a leak!”

Our itty bitty water heater closet
Our itty bitty water heater closet

He jumped from his bed, to see what was the matter! (Well, ok, not really, as he can’t jump from anywhere and he can barely walk, much less run.)

I was moving things away from the large space of wet carpet, when the husband finally made it down the hall to the cat’s room. Thank goodness there is nothing much in that room. The husband peeked at the leak, looked at me, and said, “Oh F***!

As I’m moving the few things, we’re like, ‘what do we do now?!’

The husband went to find a set of pliers to see if he could do something with them. Me, I’m thinking, this can’t be happening now! We have no money for a plumber! The husband can barely walk, he can’t fix a leak and I have no idea what to do. Oh crap!

He shuffles into the room with his trusty pair of pliers and s l o w l y kneels down in this tiny room and with me shining a flashlight he tries to tighten the joint that is leaking. The poor man is in terrible pain, but he does still try to do what he can. He gets it as tight as he can, it has slowed the leak from a waterfall to a trickle. But, it’s not going to be enough to stop it altogether. We need to find  someone who can fix it. With no money, that is going to be a major problem.

Our friend, Bill, who usually helps us around the house was at work, besides, he knows nothing of plumbing. So we think, I worry, the husband offers another name, Mark. Yes! Of course. Mark is a good friend too, he used to own a company that installed furnaces, water heaters and the such. If he couldn’t do it, maybe he knew someone who could and maybe we could work out a deal on payment. It’s worth a phone call.

The husband gets on the phone, it’s now about 4:30pm on Thursday afternoon. He talks to Mark while I try to move a dresser that’s in the cat’s room, the wet carpet goes underneath it and I need to see how bad it is. Oof! I am almost past my prime when I could move full dressers with ease. But I eventually do it, my bad knee screaming at me by then. Oh, crap!

As I try to assess the damage done to the carpet, husband shuffles in and tells me that Mark knows a plumber he will call. If that guy can’t come out that night, Mark will come out on Friday after he gets off work. Yay! We got help coming. Now to just figure out how to pay for it.

So we wait Thursday night. No plumber. Ok, he was probably busy, so Mark will be out Friday night. We’ll just have to let it trickle leak till then as we need water during the night. What’s a little more in the carpet, right? Oh, crap!

Friday night comes around and Mark shows up. Yay for friends! He takes a look and figures it just needs a little more tightening. He gets down there, tightens it just a tad more and …..crack! The pipe cracks and water is spraying everywhere! Now we have to figure out how to turn the water off! There are a couple of valves tied into the mishmash of pipes in the water heater closet. Nope, none of those turn the water off. It is the main line from outside, the main line needs to be shut off.

all the white parts are new along with the fittings.
all the white parts are new along with the fittings.

We 3 scramble to find the shut off for the main line inside the place. We search in all the obvious spots. Under all the sinks. Nope, no shut off valve. Oh, crap!

I get on the phone to the manager of the trailer park. I tell him my tale of woe, he chuckles and says he’ll be right over to turn the water off. This is now 8pm. He shows up and tries to turn the water off and……crack! The pipe breaks. Now, the manager needs to fix the pipe before the main water supply can be turned off. So we have a leak going on the inside and the outside. Oh, crap!

The manager has to run back to his place to get the supplies he needs to fix the break. We wait. Water going everywhere. We hear the manager come back and in a few minutes the water is turned off. Mark goes back into the room and tries to fix the leak. The pipes need to be replaced. He’s not sure how to do it, but knows someone he can call. His nephew. Who’s a plumber. Mark gets on the phone, talks his nephew into coming over to help him. It’s now 8:30pm. We wait for the nephew.

I’m thinking, oh my god, how am I going to pay for this?? Oh, crap!

The nephew shows up and within 15 minutes has the pipe replaced and no leaks! Yay!! The water gets turned back on outside by our good manager, who incidentally has to unscrew our skirting, crawl half way under the trailer, just to turn the main water off and on. And he does this. Twice. And screws the skirting back on!

We thank our friend Mark and his nephew profusely. I ask how much do we owe you guys and can we pay you a little every month till its paid off? I mean their time is valuable, they provided the new pipe and fittings and did the labor. They deserved to be paid!

They look at me and say, don’t worry about it. No payment needed nor wanted. Merry Christmas!

Those three men, Mark, his nephew and our manager are my heroes! They did the work, at night, after their regular jobs and never even charged us. There are good people out there! I got my Christmas present.

Now I have to clean the carpet in the cat’s room. Oh, crap!




Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

O’ Christmas Tree!

Hello people! Hope this week is finding you are getting into the Christmas spirit. If not, why not?

I wasn’t sure if I would get the spirit of Christmas this year. The last few years have been pretty rough and I didn’t feel like decorating, celebrating, or much of anything else. I put on a ‘good face’ about things, but I really wasn’t into it. I didn’t put up a tree or anything.

This year was going to be more of the same. Then something happened. I began feeling all Christmasy. My Grinch heart began to grow. I have no idea why. Things here aren’t all that rosy. We are still fighting the government to get some help for the husband. Finances are non-existent. Health for me could be better. Yet, I am beginning to get that Christmas cheerful, card sending, decorating, smiling and humming feeling.

Maybe I’m finally losing my mind!

We won’t have presents this year, again. But that’s ok, as Christmas is not about the presents and food. Christmas to me is all about being extra nice, smiling at strangers and wishing them a Merry Christmas. Helping others, because even though we are having problems, many others are worse off.  I at least have a roof over my head, food in the cupboards, animals to cuddle up with and heat when it’s cold.

So when I was out and about running errands the other day, I saw this Christmas tree. It was even on sale!

It’s just a cheap tinsel tree, but it’s the Christmas spirit that counts, right? I snatched it up, because it looked like it should go home with me. It really reminds me of the Charlie Browns tree, just with more tinsel.

But I bought it with a smile on my face and plans in my head. Today, I dug in my closet and found the Christmas ornaments I knew I had. I dug in another cupboard for the punch bowl I had, though I never drink punch or have used it for that purpose.

My plan called for both.

I cleaned off my kitchen table, washed it down till it shone. Then put my Christmas tree plans together.

This is the result! What do you think?

O' Christmas tree!
O’ Christmas tree!
My Charlie Brown tree
My Charlie Brown tree




Blogging · Mi Vida Loca · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

Something I’ve Never Talked About

Hello people! Hope your day is going great. Ready for Thanksgiving? Those that are celebrating it tomorrow, I hope it’s stress free and fun-filled!

Today, I’m going in a different direction with my blog. First, let me state, I am NOT looking for sympathy. I talk about my past sometimes, about abuse, about my ex the narc, about family and some issues I have with them. I very rarely talk about my life in the here and now.

I do talk about ME, but not about my life here, or my husband or anything that is going on at home. Some know my story, most don’t. I’m actually a pretty private person. So why have I decided to let some of my story known? Because I need help. I need to hear from some other people who might be going through some of what I am going through and how to cope during the hard times.

Let me explain.

caregiver stress

I’m from the states. I came to Canada close to 14 years ago when I struck up a friendship with my now husband online at a gaming site. We talked for hours on the phone and online. So I decided to take holidays from my job for a couple of weeks and go to Canada to meet him in person. To make that long story short, I came, I met, things happened, I stayed, we got married.

My husband’s health had always been good, except for his back. At odd times and it seemed for no good reason his back would go out and he’d be in terrible pain and could hardly stand up straight. He’d take a few days off work and lay on the couch and his back would get better. Till one time it didn’t get better.

That was a little more than 2 years ago. He bent over to lift an empty bucket and his back went out. We thought it would be like the last number of times, he would rest on the couch for a few days and his back would be better. Didn’t happen. It ended up he was off work for 8 months while the doctors tried to figure out what was wrong. Good thing we had insurance from his work place to help us make it through.

After months and months of doctors visits and tests and x-rays, they came back with his prognosis. Spurs at several places on the spine and arthritis of the spine. Inoperable because of the spurs being so many along the spine, of course, for the arthritis there is no cure. Double whammy.

So we talked things through and he decided he would try to go back to work as he had 5 more years before he could retire with full benefits. He tried to go back to work, but between fighting the insurance company and his workplace for the right to go back to work he developed anxiety attacks that would land him in the emergency room.

Finally, he was able to go back to work full-time doing the job he had been doing for 35 years. He lasted 3 months. His back and the pain that came with it just wouldn’t let him do it. So he opted to take early retirement, even though we couldn’t afford it. We had no choice. There was no way he could work. So I became his caretaker.

Our marriage was rocky years before he had to quit his job. In fact, it was so rocky I had thought seriously of leaving and going back to the states. Again, let me stress I am not saying this for sympathy, it’s just bare, cold facts. Period.

Suddenly our roles were reversed. I was his caretaker, I became the leaning post. Things financially became difficult. More than difficult. He lost the house we were living in, his house for the past 20 years. He loved that house. The mortgage was something we just couldn’t handle anymore. We were behind in everything, barely hanging on. We lost it all. The house, his credit, everything. He had to file bankruptcy as the house and bills were in his name and were his before we got married.

We had barely enough money left to buy a 30-year-old mobile home. He fought me every step of the way too. But he had to face reality. We needed a roof over our heads and this was the only way. We bought the mobile home, at least we had a home that no one could take from us. But it seemed to be the last straw for him so to speak, he pretty much gave up. Also, right after we moved he fell down some steps outside and injured his back even more.

Now, he is on 2 super strong pain medications, plus sleeping pills. He can barely walk or function. He is almost bedridden. In two short years things went from him working every day to him being disabled with no chance of it getting better. In fact, the doctors have told us it will just get worse.

Here is where I need help. It’s humbling to admit to it. I’ve always been strong when I needed it. Now, I’m not so sure.

How does one cope? How does a person find that strength? That patience?

It is down to me doing almost everything now. We have a friend that comes over and helps with things I can’t do, thank goodness for friends. But, I find myself losing patience sometimes with my husband. Maybe it’s because he’s given up. I don’t know. There is no way I would leave him now, he needs me and I just couldn’t leave knowing he is in the shape he is. We have a relationship most wouldn’t understand, but we do, that’s all that counts.

I know a lot of what he does is because of the medications. And that he drinks. He does weird things. I have to watch him all the time. He leaves the water running in the bathroom, he leaves the portable heater going, he does other strange things.

Yesterday I lost my temper. It’s not something I’m proud of. It happened.

So my questions are…...Are there readers who are caregivers? How do you cope? How to you keep your patience with trying days? Is there a trick to this? What am I doing wrong? Am I doing anything right?

I could go on and on, but the bottom line is, my husband is completely disabled, on strong meds, drinks. I’m doing the best I can, I think, with what we have. We are trying to find help, but we fall into that middle ground, too young to qualify for a lot of government help, too old for other things that might help. I can’t go to work, as I can’t leave him alone. Plus, I have a few health issues of my own.

I am not too proud to ask for help, nor too stupid to do so. Anyone with any suggestions? Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

Blog challenge · Mi Vida Loca · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

Road Trip to Hell

This is going to be a story from my past. It’s a true story, about a nightmare trip I took with my ex husband and his parents. Now, for the most part I liked my in-laws. They were good people in many ways. In some ways, not so good. Let me start at the beginning…………


I had been married to my ex for about 6 or 7 years by now. I was truly under his control, all though no one thought so at the time, especially me. Foolish me. Anyway, his parents had heard me talk about Wisconsin and how beautiful it was in the fall, with the leaves changing. My ex and his parents were from Texas. They had never been to Wisconsin before, so they got it in their heads that they wanted to go. They also wanted my ex and I to go with them.

A road trip! With my in-laws and my ex. A 2400 mile, round trip, road trip. In a smallish car. With my ex and his parents. Shudder…...Still gives me nightmares.

Like I said, they wanted to see the colors of upper Wisconsin in September. September is also my birthday month. So they thought they would give me a grand birthday present and we would all go to Wisconsin, rent a cabin in the woods on a lake and enjoy a full week of relaxation and beautiful colors. I hadn’t been home in about 8 years, so I would also get to see my sister and my parents, as the cabin we were renting was not far from where they lived. I was happy!

It started out great. We got an early start and the weather was wonderful. So off we went! The first day was good. We drove with a few bathroom breaks and a lunch break. As soon as it started to get dark my in-laws insisted we find a motel. They hated traveling in the dark. No problem. We found a nice, clean, cheap motel and rented rooms for the night. We had dinner at the attached, fast food joint. It was a Hardee’s, remember that folks, as it comes into play during my story.

The next morning, nice and early, we get gas and are on the road again, after breakfast of course. At Hardee’s. I had a nice strong cup of coffee, I was good to go.

We travel a few hours, all was pleasant. Then my father-in-law (FIL) got into an argument with my ex. My ex was driving. My FIL thought he was driving too fast. They argued. Now let me clarify one thing. My FIL was a very argumentative man. He was a good man in many ways, but he would argue about just about anything.  You could say the sun was yellow and hot, he would argue that it was more beige and that it was not just hot, it was hellish hot. Then he would go off on a tangent.

So for an hour or more they argued, with voices getting louder, language getting saltier. And neither one wanted to back down. The argument went off as they usually did with my FIL to other things. My mother-in-law (MIL) trying to calm the waters, I am just trying to tune it all out. And it’s not working.

Finally, it’s lunch time and my FIL demanded that my ex find someplace to eat. We were on the highway, in the middle of nowhere it seemed. Finally, my FIL spots a sign saying there was a turnoff coming up with restaurants. So he yells at the ex to turn off so he could get fed. My FIL was one that had to be fed 3 times a day. He hated to miss a meal and became quite irritated if he did. He told my ex to stop at Hardee’s.

So this went on for several days. My ex and his dad would take turns driving. Sometimes we would stop off and see the sights, most times we only stopped to eat or go to the bathroom. My FIL believed a holiday was only a good one if you put in as many miles as you could every day.

They drove, argued and we stopped at Hardee’s to eat. Every. Single. Day.

Ugh, Never again!
Ugh, Never again!

Finally we reach our destination of Upper Wisconsin. It’s gorgeous. Wisconsin truly put on her best colors for us that September. It was close to my birthday (the 12th) and the weather, though cool was sunny and beautiful. We empty out the car and explore our cabin. It’s great, has two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen, the bathroom was small but usable. I thought as far as cabins go, it was really nice for the price. It sat close to a beautiful lake and we even had a boat to use if we wanted to.

Now, remember I said we were suppose to stay a week? Yes, we were, and we were suppose to meet my parents so I could introduce them to my in-laws. Now my parents are laid back people who like their beer now and again. Nothing wrong with that. The bars up in Wisconsin are pretty family friendly. I didn’t think nothing of meeting my parents in a bar. I practically grew up in one.

My in-laws were not tea totallers by any means, so again I thought nothing of meeting my parents in the bar. Neutral territory I figured. All good. Right? Um, no, apparently not.

The in-laws knew days before that, that we would be going to a bar to meet my parents, they never said a word. Till the time we drove up to the bar and my in-laws refused to get out of the car. Their reason? They didn’t go to bars. They didn’t think it was ‘respectable’ to meet my parents there. So nope, they weren’t going in. I was dumbfounded! Why didn’t they say something before this? So I was determined to see my parents. I hadn’t seen them in a lot of years. I was looking forward to seeing them again.

So my ex and I went inside, the in-laws went for a drive and said they would be back in an hour to pick us up. I was so upset. An hour? After years of being away??

There  had been enough fighting and screaming and crap during the drive up, I wasn’t going to add to it, so I let it go. I had a great visit with my parents, in the bar. After an hour we hear a car horn outside. Yup, there are my in-laws beeping the horn for us. I tried to explain to my parents the reasoning of my in-laws not coming in to meet them. It didn’t go over very well, all though my parents didn’t say anything directly to me.

We go out and I’m pissed off. Majorly pissed off. I get in the car and hardly say a word. We go for a country drive. Find a place to eat dinner, as my FIL is run by his stomach. At least there was no Hardee’s in sight. To this day I can’t stand to eat at Hardee’s.

I get over my mad, sort of, and we have a nice day driving around and taking tons of pictures of the wonderful fall colors. All is good, or so I thought.

We get to the cabin and settle in for the night. No hurry, I thought, we got all week. The in-laws can meet the parents later that week. I was going to invite them to the cabin, maybe even cook dinner for them. No bars, just a nice evening together. We all go to bed early, as it had been a long day.

The next morning I am woken up by voices in the kitchen. My ex and his parents are all ready up and drinking coffee at the kitchen table. I decide to lay there for a bit, enjoying having the bed to myself, and listen to what they are planning for the day. The next thing I hear is my name. It’s my MIL.

“I know Jackie was planning on staying all week here. She can still stay, we’ll give her bus money to come home.”

What??!!! Bus money?? To go home by myself on the bus???

My ex, of course, wasn’t about to let me stay here by myself. I might decide NOT to go home to Texas again, he couldn’t have that.

“I’m not leaving my wife here by herself. We rented the cabin for a week, why not stay the week? We’ve only been here 2 days.”

My FIL piped in.

“We don’t want to stay all week son, we could be on the road, getting the miles in and seeing the sights!”

My ex:

“Then why did you plan on staying a week if you weren’t going to stay?”

FIL: “We have a right to change our minds! We aren’t going in some damn bar to meet those people!”

MIL: “Just let her stay here son, she can get home on her own.”

The ex: “NO! She is NOT staying here on her own. I’ll stay with her then we’ll catch a plane back home.”

By then I was so angry I was seeing red. How dare they! Wait a minute….they are who they are, of course they would do something crappy like this. I get up, put on my robe, making noise so they hear me and go out to see if they would say something to my face.

Nope, they don’t. They are all ‘good morning’ and smiles. I wait, I get my coffee, sit down and wait. Nothing. Crickets could have been heard.

To make a very long story shorter. They left the cabin, my ex told me what was going on. We fight. I was going to stay there, to hell with them. In the back of my mind, I figured, if they leave me there, I wouldn’t go back. The ex wouldn’t have it. Either we both stayed, or we both left with his parents. The in-laws came back and put their 2 cents in. Between the in-laws and my ex, they beat me down enough emotionally that I just gave up and gave in. We packed the car that day and left. I didn’t even get to explain to my parents why.

One thing they did do, which they did promise to do, is we stopped in Milwaukee so I could visit my favorite Aunt for a few hours. They of course didn’t come in, my ex came with me. We had a great few hours together, then there were my in-laws beeping their damn car horn again.

We went the long way home, unfortunately. My ex and FIL arguing all the way back, me stewing in the back seat, my MIL trying to please everyone. It was the most gruelling, nerve-wracking road trip I ever was on. I never repeated it. And apparently  never got over it.


Blogging · Mi Vida Loca · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

The Haunted Mirror ~~~ A True Story, Part 2

Hello people! Here is part 2 of my true story about a haunted mirror. Part one I did yesterday and you can find it here, if you haven’t read it yet.



I don’t know what woke me later that night. Might have been the dog whining at the door. I laid in bed for a few seconds as my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room. I heard my dog pacing outside the open doorway. My heart was pounding, I could hear the thump, thump, thump of it in my chest. I turned my head towards the mirror and watched fascinated as the red spots moved quickly inside of it. I wanted to shake my ex awake, but just like the night before I couldn’t seem to move anything but my head. The red spots within the mirror were moving like a swirling whirlpool, coming together to form an image. It was the same image I saw last night, but in the doorway. The image of the man holding an ax!

I wanted to scream! My mouth opened, but no sound came out, just big gasps of air as I tried to form a scream, a yell, anything! I tried to convince myself I was just dreaming, but I knew I wasn’t dreaming. I was wide awake. I could feel a cold draft of air, I could hear my dog whining in the hallway, I felt the sheets under my body, a slight wrinkle in the sheets making itself felt in the middle of my back. I knew I was awake and I knew it was all real.

Suddenly the swirling red dots stopped and then disappeared. That scared me even more. I turned my head swiftly to face the dark doorway and there stood the shadow again, just like last night!

I couldn’t hear my dogs anymore, I couldn’t seem to hear anything but the hard beating of my own heart. I was gasping for breath, sure I was going to die that night. The shadowed man slowly entered the room and started to move around the bed to where I was laying. I was never so terrified as I was right then! I had been in some scary situations before, but nothing like I was experiencing this night. I kept trying to scream, but the most I managed was a moan. My head was thrashing from side to side as the shadow relentlessly moved toward me. Suddenly I saw an arm move upward and at the end the shape of the ax was well-defined. I was moaning more and more, trying to scream. The arm raised higher and higher. I moaned louder, trying like hell to scream. Shaking my head back and forth like a mad woman.

Maybe I was going mad! Maybe, I was losing my sanity. I felt sure I was going to die!

The moaning and thrashing finally woke the ex, just as I thought the shadow ax was going to fall. The ex grabbed me and shook me hard. He yelled my name and the shadow man with his deadly ax disappeared. I started crying, great sobs left my throat when not 10 seconds ago I could hardly make a sound. My poor dog was barking like crazy and seeing me in such distress, he conquered his fear of the room and I felt him jump into bed with me. The other 3 dogs soon joined him. Needless to say it was bedlam for a few minutes with my ex yelling at me, asking me what was going on, the dogs barking, all 4 trying to crawl on top of me and with me sobbing like a lunatic.

I finally calmed down enough to try to explain to the ex what happened. I glanced fearfully at the mirror and saw…. nothing. No red dots, no shadows, nothing. I don’t know if I was relieved, or scared about that. The ex thought it was just a nightmare. He had turned on the lights once I started to calm down. He moved the mirror and looked behind it and of course saw nothing but the wall and maybe some dust.

He had dealings with Abe, my personal ghost before, so he wasn’t completely skeptical. He knew I ‘saw’ things he couldn’t always explain. So, as much as he wanted to tell me I was an idiot, he didn’t push it. He just told the dogs to shut up, me to go back to sleep, shut the lights off and lay back down under the covers. The dogs, bless them stayed with me that night. The only one that slept any more that night was the ex.

The next morning as I was having my coffee, I sat at the kitchen table and went back over the night’s happenings. I tried like hell to convince myself that it had all been a nightmare, but I knew deep down that it was real, that it happened and I wasn’t crazy like my ex would like me to believe I was.

I went on with my day, trying to put the night’s terrifying experience behind me. The dogs stuck with me all day. I avoided the bedroom and did things in other parts of the house. As it got later in the day, my fears mounted. I knew I couldn’t say anything to the ex, as he would just laugh at me. So I kept quiet. The dogs sensed how I felt though, as animals will. Finally, I couldn’t avoid it any longer, it was bed time once again. With my heart in my throat, I waited till I couldn’t anymore and went to bed. The ex was all ready sound asleep. The dogs stayed in the hallway.

I held a flashlight in my damp palm and slowly walked to my side of the bed. I looked at the mirror and once again saw the red dots. They weren’t moving, but they were there. I turned the flashlight on them and they disappeared! I quickly shone the light around the room, careful not to wake the ex. Nothing. I saw nothing, no shadows, no red dots, no ax. Breathing a bit easier I got under the covers and tried to think of pleasant things. The dogs were quiet, the ex was snoring, I felt a tiny bit better. I drifted off to sleep with the flashlight gripped in my hand.

I woke when I heard something hit the floor. I’ve always been a restless sleeper and while moving about the flashlight fell off the bed.  My eyes popped open and my breathing almost stopped when my eyes fell on the mirror and saw the red dots swirling as they did the night before. Oh God, not again! Please not again!

The dots disappeared suddenly and I rolled over to look at the doorway. There it was, the shadow man and his ax! Coming ever closer to me, with me not being able to scream. It was almost the same exact thing happening as the night before. Down to me waking the ex with my moaning and thrashing about. The dogs jumping on the bed once the shadow was gone, the ex pissed because I woke him up again in the middle of the night.

It took two more nights of absolute terror to finally convince the ex to take the mirror down and out of the house. It was too big for me to move by  myself or I would have done it long before that. There was a small shed on the property, I had the ex move the mirror to it and put a lock on the door. We couldn’t destroy the mirror for two reasons. One it wasn’t ours to destroy. Two, I wasn’t sure if breaking the mirror would release the spirit or destroy it, so I went with caution and just had it locked up away from me and the dogs. The ex wasn’t pleased, but I didn’t care, I just wanted it gone.

After the mirror was out of the house, I sat in my bed and meditated, felt the evil leave the room. I know it sounds crazy, but that’s what happened. I never had another nightmare in that room. We stayed there for about six months, then moved to another house in a different small town close by. I don’t know what happened to the mirror after that. If whoever eventually bought the house found the mirror and kept it or got rid of it. I never heard. I was just glad to never have encountered it again, nor anything like it since. I tell  you one thing though, I never forgot and the memories are as fresh as if they happened yesterday. I truly believe that mirror was haunted.


What do YOU think? Do you think it was haunted? Have you experienced anything like this? Let me know!


Blogging · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life · Uncategorized

The Obscene Phone Caller

*** I want to warn people,  there might be triggers in this post for rape and/or sexual assault.****

This post came about after I read Aussa’s post the other day on creepy feelings of being watched. Her post brought this memory back on when I was freshly married and young. It’s a true story and something I don’t usually think about.  I’m not going to tell you to enjoy, because it’s not enjoyable. But please read! Has anything like this happened to you? If so how did you handle it?



source unknown
source unknown



I had just seen L* off to work. He was going to be gone a week and I was looking forward to some time to myself. I was newly married, less than six months into what would be a 13 year nightmare. But at this time I was young, naïve and in love. Even then the marriage was showing small rips in the contentment fabric.

My husband worked in the Texas oil field. A booming (at the time) era full of opportunities. We moved from North Texas to South Texas looking for our golden dream. We found a small apartment in a new rambling complex in Victoria, Texas. We had all our belongings in a small UHaul, plus our ‘babies’, two German Shepherds. A boy named Max and his daughter Angel.

L*  was a born salesman. When we rented the apartment, it had a policy of small pets only. Now Max was 160 lbs of pure muscle and attitude, Angel was smaller, only tipping the scales at 100 lbs. She was devoted to her daddy. They were our pride and joy, so L* talked the manager into letting us keep the dogs.

The first couple of months were pleasant, I took the dogs running in a large field behind the apartment a couple times a day. They were quiet in the apartment and we had no complaints. Things were going rather well with L* working one week and then being off the next week. I was looking for work, but was ok with staying home too. L* was making good money working on the off shore rigs. We were young and the world was open to us, or so I thought at the time.

About 2 months into our living there the phone calls started. I remember the first one, it’s still so clear in my mind, even after all these years. L* had just left for another week off shore. I was cleaning the kitchen, the dogs laying in the living room. This was a time before cell phones and caller ID. The phone rang and I didn’t think anything of it. I picked it up and said ‘hello?’.  A very pleasant male voice answered, ‘Hi! I’m looking for Mrs. Jones.’

‘I’m sorry, you must have the wrong number.’

‘Can I ask you another question?’ Said the same pleasant voice.


‘Do you shave your pussy?’ He asked without changing his tone one bit. Like he was asking about the weather!

I was shocked into silence. I had never had an obscene phone call before. Once my heart started beating again, I hung up the phone amid his laughter.

I was a bit shaken, but not scared…….. Yet. That was the beginning of a couple of months of hell for me.

When L* called me that night, I told him about the phone call. He told me it was nothing, probably someone just dialing random numbers till a woman answered. So I pushed it out of my mind and went about my life.

All was quiet for about 2 weeks. L* had come home for his week off, then the first day he went back to work it started. L* wasn’t gone ten minutes when the phone rang. I answered.


‘I love the blue blouse you have on today. (I did indeed have a blue blouse on) How about I come over now that your old man is gone and take it off you?’

Then, before I could hang up, he started describing all the things he would do to me. Disgusting! I was shaken, but again, not really scared, as I figured it would just be that one phone call again and then nothing. I did recognize the voice as the same one as before, but was more shaken that he knew what I was wearing and that L had gone to work.

I made sure the door was locked. But living with 2 large dogs that were very protective, I wasn’t afraid. So when the phone rang again about half an hour later, I answered.

The same smiling voice was on the other end.

‘I want to f*** you till you beg for mercy.’ He started out with this time. I hung up. That’s when the phone would start ringing and not quit! After about the 30th ring I finally turned the ringer off. Silence never sounded so good! It had shaken me, I checked to make sure all the blinds were closed and curtains pulled close. I went to bed that night, but didn’t sleep well.

The next morning I turned the ringer back on and jumped as it immediately rang! Cautiously, I answered and was relieved when L’s voice came through instead of that pleasant chilling voice of last night. But my relief only lasted moments as L chewed my ass out for not answering the phone earlier. It was my first taste of his controlling ways. He would call me every night and every morning that he was at work and grill me about my day. But that’s a story for another time.

I told L about the phone calls, but he said I was over re-acting and to leave the ringer on in case he called again. He didn’t want NOT to be able to contact me. So I left the ringer on. Big mistake.

After L hung up I took the dogs for their morning run. It was a sunny day and I felt safe with my two dogs, but I was aware of my surroundings like I had never been before. I didn’t notice anything unusual, so I played with the dogs for a while, then went back to the apartment. I wasn’t in the door 2 minutes before the phone rang. I answered.

What came through the phone was a long litany of things the caller wanted to do to me. I hung up, my breathing ragged with fear. The dogs felt it and stood by my side. I went to sit down and the phone rang again. I let it ring, and ring, and ring. It wouldn’t stop! Then I thought, what if it was L again? So I answered.

The same pleasant-sounding voice was there, telling me how he was going to f*** me and then how he was  going to enjoy doing all the nasty things he started to describe in detail to me. I think what was so chilling, the timbre of his voice never changed throughout the whole 2 months of him describing abusive sex acts and then toward the end, how he was gong to kill me after raping me. It was always that pleasant, cheerful voice.

He never called while L was home. But 10 minutes after L would leave for his week at work the phone would ring. I knew it had to be someone at the apartment complex. But who?

It got so bad I wouldn’t leave without one of the dogs with me.  I’d always leave one dog in the apartment so no one could break in and wait for me. The caller knew I had the dogs as he would tell me how he was going to poison  them to get to me.

L finally believed me when I lost a lot of weight, was constantly on edge. I had changed the number twice, but that only gave me a days respite before it would start again.

We moved, after we talked to the police and there was nothing they could do unless I actually got raped. Nice, eh? When the police came to the apartment to talk to me, I was sitting with both dogs in front of me and a.38 special on the table next to me. The cop looked at the gun, looked at me and asked me if I knew how to shoot it. I said yes I did. All he said afterwards was, when you shoot him, make sure he’s in the apartment and shoot to kill, that way it’s deemed self-defense.

The calls stopped when we moved, after I changed the number once again. It was something I would not wish any woman to go through. Creepy is a mild way to describe it.




Blogging · Comic ~ Sam and Me · Humor · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

Sam and Me ~~~ The Great Mouse Debacle

Good morning People! Hope your weekend is off to a great start!

Earlier this week at my house we had a wee mouse problem. Notwen, my male cat caught a mouse and decided to play with it in my office. While he was playing with it, the mouse got loose and ran inside the motor compartment of my treadmill. That’s when the debacle began.

First I had to take the motor cover off the treadmill, hoping all the while the mouse didn’t decide I looked like a better place to hide. Sam meantime is trying to get the mouse for all his little heart would let him. The cats? Sleeping.

I got the cover off the motor and sure enough there was the mouse! It made a run for it with Sam on its long tail!! All over my room!! With me ‘ekking’!! The cats? Sleeping.

I have a small bookcase against one wall and the mouse made a run for it! Sure enough it got under it with Sam close behind him. So there I was, wondering how to get the mouse from under the bookcase without having to unload the many, many books on it! My knee was killing me, my tooth hurt and Sam was going nuts! The cats? Sleeping.

So I had this long metal rod, told Sam to keep a sharp eye out and swept the rod under the bookcase. All the time hoping once again the mouse didn’t decide to run straight to me, because people, me with a bum knee, I wasn’t moving too fast. This was after a rest in my chair drinking some cold water and listening to Sam snuff and sniff under the bookcase. The cats? Sleeping.

So I get down on the floor, groaning and moaning because I’m old and my knee hurt like hell. Sam is standing at the ready and I sweep that metal rod under the bookcase. I at least was smart enough to sweep it to the side away from me. Out comes that long-tailed little rodent as fast as his legs could go! Straight toward the treadmill again! Sam right behind him and this time Sam caught him!! Yea Sam!! The cats? Sleeping.

I yell at Sam to drop it! He drops it and I give it a hard rap with the metal rod. It’s dead. I’m huffing and puffing like I just ran 10 miles. Sam is looking at me like, “Mom can I eat it now??” The cats? Finally woke up and sauntered in for a bored look.

I yell at Sam not to eat the damn mouse! He looks hurt. I grab a bag to sweep the now dead mouse in, hoping it really is dead and not going to get up and run up my leg. The cats? Laying down watching us like we were weird……yawning.

I manage to push the dead mouse into the bag and close the bag, all the while Sam is looking like I stole his favorite chew toy. The cats? Sleeping…..again.

I hobble out to the kitchen, put the bag with the dead mouse in the trash bag, tie close the trash bag and hobble it out to the dumpster. Sam following my every footstep, wanting his new toy back. The cats? SLEEPING!!!!!

So I of course had to make a Sam and Me comic out of it. Enjoy.

(c) JLPhillips 2014
(c) JLPhillips 2014


**Please click on comic to make it larger**


Blogging · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · poetry · postaday · Stories of my life

Aging ~~~ A Poem




I sit, looking at my reflection in the mirror
One year older, another year added
Age is just a number they tell me
Nothing to be concerned about
It’s how you feel inside that matters
Then some days I must be 105

I see the silver in my hair
New lines in my face
Wondering how did I manage to get this far
What happened to all my plans? Dreams?
Now I seem stuck, here in the land of numbers
Neither can I go back nor forward, yet.

Life has not been easy, still I have been blessed
I am alive, able to see dreams become reality
No matter the number in my age
My dreams never fade, not really
Some just become more important than others
They shift, like the sands in my internal hourglass

I may be older, we all age if we are lucky
It’s nothing to be ashamed of, but to be proud
I have reached an age where I may move slower
I still question things, still look in wonder
That never ages and never will
Life is to be savored at any age, not taken for granted

So here I sit, a year older, still dreaming my dreams
I look at the wonders of the world, the tragedies.
Still glad to be alive, even if things are tough
As I have the ability to change things still
To live for another day, week, month, year
Gives me that much more time to make my dreams real.

My journey continues, till when? I do not know
I’m just glad that it does. For I have many dreams to fulfill
More adventures to have, people to meet
Never be afraid of aging, that is what I have learned
It’s a lesson I take to heart, one I never forget
As I move a bit slower, but ever onward in life well met.





Cee's Share Your World · Humor · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

How Much of Me Can You Handle?! ~~ 2014 Week 36

canadian-snow-humoure2808f_026Hello people! First I wanted to say something before we get into the Share Your World questions.


Whew, glad I got that out of my system. The reason for the tiny meltdown, is last night and this morning we here in my part of Alberta Canada are having snow. Yes folks, you read that correctly. SNOW! The other day it was 27c (81F) today it is 1c (34F) with snow. We are also supposed to get an accumulation of about 5 – 10 cm (2-4 inches). This is crazy! It’s not even the middle of September yet. I am just not ready for this crap yet.

Any readers out there in warm climates wanting to have a room-mate for say, about 6 months?? Anyone?? I don’t take up much room, promise. I don’t eat much. In fact I’ll be your cook! I’m a great cook, I cook, you eat, I stay at your house. Good deal right? No? Maybe??

Well think about it and get back to me by the end of the week (I do have a valid passport).

Ok, now on with the questions. Cee from Cee’s Photography has asked us 4 good questions again this week. Thanks Cee.



Do you prefer reading coffee table books (picture), biographies, fiction, non-fiction, educational?

I will read just about anything I can get my hands on. All though, looking at picture books is not really reading is it? Never mind. I enjoy beautiful pictures too. I prefer fiction or biographies, but like I said I’ll read anything, even my own stories!

What is your biggest fear or phobia? (no photos please)

I would have to say my biggest phobia is bees. I’m allergic to bees so that tends to play a big part in my phobia. I’m not as frightened as when I was younger, but I don’t like them to get too close to me. I was stung for the first time in years last summer. A bee flew up my pants leg and stung my shin about 3 times before I got it out. Thankfully, I didn’t pass out as I usually do, but I had to ice the shin down as it swelled quite large because of it.  The next one is spiders. Ugh.

What is your favorite cheese?

I would have to say my all time favorite is Colby. I don’t find it very often here where I live in Canada. When I lived in the states I could find it quite easily. I love that cheese. Anyone want to send me some? Now, I buy Swiss a lot, or mild cheddar. I love most cheeses except the ones that smell and have mold on it….

What is your favorite month of the year?

September has always been my favorite. Not only is it my birthday month (the 12th), it’s usually a beautiful one with the fall colors starting and cool days, bright blue skies and fluffy white clouds.



So there you have it. This week’s bit about me. So what’s your favorite month?



Comic ~ Sam and Me · Humor · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

Sam and Me Comic ~~ The Torturous Bed

As many of you know, I hurt my knee a few months ago. It’s been a slow, long healing process that I am still going through. What doesn’t help is that my bed is the bed from hell. I go to bed and my knee is feeling pretty good. I get up in the morning and my knee hurts like hell, I’m tired yet and I have more body aches than I can count. The only thing I can figure out is my bed is the Torturous Bed!

Well that’s my opinion. I know I need a new mattress, but I can’t afford one. Anyone out there want to buy me a new one? No? Anyone? LOL

I thought a new Sam and Me comic was in order today showing my bed as an evil thing…..hope you enjoy!




Blogging · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · poetry · postaday · Stories of my life · writing

I’ve Learned……



I’ve Learned…..


I’ve learned, never take your health for granted

it can be gone in a flash

then it’s aches, pains, frustration

as you can’t do what was once so easily done


I’ve learned, as I grow older I expect more from me

sometimes though it can’t be delivered

my mind says I’m 20, fit and strong

the body laughs with glee, then throws another pain at me


I’ve learned, friends don’t have to be ‘seen’

they live in this virtual machine

I have found some really good people

who reach out to me in my time of need


I’ve learned, love is precious, rare and good

it props me up, feeds my needs, makes me stronger

maybe it’s just an emotion, but it feels so much more

as I feel it fuel my desires, wants and hopes


I’ve learned, words are powerful, magical, sentient things

they swirl around me, feed my soul, nourish my mind

when they come from friends, afar or near

they make me glad to be alive


I’ve learned, that I’m stronger than I knew

life has a way of testing your strength, your reserves

it throws things at you that you never thought you could handle

toughens you up, or breaks you down, but never leaves you the same


I’ve learned, 3am is a lonely time in this world,

it’s quiet, still, not yet light, not yet dark time

that in between time when all things are possible or impossible

the doubts come rushing in to keep you company


I’ve learned, that an animal’s love in unconditional

they will stick with you through tears, meltdowns,

a pet will kiss your tears away, make you smile

time matters little to them, they just want you happy


I’ve learned, stubbornness is not a bad thing to have

this trait can help you over some of the roughest parts of life

I have had to rely on it many times lately

but it has pulled me through and I’m stronger for it


I’ve learned many things the past few months

and I have had to teach myself some others

In the end, I’ve found one precious thing

I’ve learned to love me again………….



Blogging · Cee's Share Your World · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

Me~Me~Me! It’s All About Me! ~~ Week 33

Another week, means another session of talking about me! It’s all part of Cee’s Photography weekly thing called “Share Your World“. Thanks Cee for doing this every week! Why not come and join us?

But now, it’s all about ME!


Do you believe in ghosts? 

If anyone knows me well, they know I do believe in ghosts. Why? Because I have seen and heard them numerous times. I also have one that lives with me. I call him Abe. I wrote about him on my blog before. If you are interested you can read his story, where him and I first met, and how he follows me where ever I move since I was a child. His story is here.


irregardless of your physical fitness, coordination or agility:  If you could play any sport professionally what would it be?  Or if you can’t picture yourself playing sports, what is your favorite sport?

I don’t and wouldn’t play sports myself. But I love Hockey. About the only thing I watch anymore, sport wise.

Do you prefer long hair or short hair for yourself?

I have long hair, will always have long hair. I’m going to be one of those old silver long-haired hippy types. LOL I have never liked myself in short hair. Maybe because my mother insisted I have short hair when I was a kid. But now I have hair that goes past my shoulder blades. I usually wear it in a pony tail to keep it out of my way.

If you were on a small island, who would you want to be with? And where is it?  How big is it?

I would want my best friends. They are the greatest, kindest people I know. They are also fun, witty, smart and a joy to be around. You know who you are!

As for the Island itself. Well, it would have to be someplace warm, but not too warm. Beautiful ocean views, white sand beaches, lots of trees. Somewhere isolated but yet accessible by water or air if necessary. Big enough to feel comfortable, yet small enough to feel cosy.



There you have it folks. My post all about ME!

So tell me. Would YOU like to live on an island?